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679 May 1985ESTOVER Printer’s Devilry 30


Competition 679’s average clue lengths over 30 clues:

41 letters per clue (4 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)

8.8 words per clue (0.8 below the archive average, and 0.2 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)


Longest clue (the 13th longest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

Within vit/ally important celebration for the old, soldiers will not be missed

65 letters, 12 words, by Mrs S. M. Felton


Shortest clue (the shortest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

Nud/ge rare Jezebels

17 letters, 3 words, by D. L. Roberts


Competition 679 has contributed 29 unique words to the clue archive:

A. Lawrieant
R. J. Hooperant-hill
Mrs C. FirminBaltic
Rev E. H. Pylecarnal
Mrs R. Herbertclarify
E. L. Haywarddally
B. A. Pikedisconcerting
R. K. Lumsdondowner
R. A. MostynEiffel
T. D. FreestoneFortnight
E. L. Haywardgloriously
N. C. Dextergoallie’s
T. W. Mortimergoon
Mrs C. Firmingust’s
Mrs R. Herbertimpecunious
D. L. RobertsJezebels
P. B. Macdonaldlandscapes
M. H. E. Watsonmerged
D. L. RobertsNudge
J. B. Hallisseypromenaders
P. B. Macdonaldreclamation
E. L. Haywardribbons
T. W. Mortimersightseeing
J. D. MooreThebes
Mrs J. Waldrenundoes
Mrs I. G. Smithunhygienic
J. D. D. BlaikieVeterans
R. A. Mostynvibrating
Mrs J. WaldrenWhoever