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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
666 Feb 1985Any word; subsidiary indication omits an animal Beasts 26


Competition 666’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:

40 letters per clue (5 below the archive average)

8.3 words per clue (1.3 below the archive average)


Longest clues (the longest Beasts clues in the archive)

Margaret’s cut by half and disorganised an essential part of English education

66 letters, 12 words, by Mrs M. P. Webber


A heartless courtier of female affection, one assiduous in amorous adventures

66 letters, 11 words, by D. J. Webb


Shortest clue (the shortest Beasts clue in the archive)

Haunt old cromlech

16 letters, 3 words, by I. A. Herbert


Competition 666 has contributed 21 unique words to the clue archive:

D. J. Webbassiduous
F. R. Palmerbehalf
R. S. Caffynclassically
D. J. Webbcourtier
F. D. Gardinercrippled
I. A. Herbertcromlech
W. Laxtondare
F. R. PalmerEcumenical
D. M. Stanfordengines
D. S. NagleHeavens
F. D. Gardinerjingle’s
F. R. Palmermankind
D. W. Arthurmoney-grubber
A. W. HillMurrayfield
D. M. Stanfordnotices
S. HolgatePlaned
F. P. N. Lakeport’s
T. E. Sandersriches
R. J. Hoopersupplement
E. J. BurgeToulon
A. W. Hillwhet