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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
62 May 1973SOLITAIRES normal 26


Competition 62’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:

45 letters per clue (equal to the archive average, and 2 below the average for 10-letter words)

9.4 words per clue (0.2 below the archive average, and 0.3 below the average for 10-letter words)


Longest clue (the 540th longest normal clue in the archive)

Diamonds offered to birds for indoor games – should make the permissive sort liaise

69 letters, 13 words, by M. Woolf


Shortest clue (the 295th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Loose tie or Silas? Both

19 letters, 5 words, by J. A. Fincken


Competition 62 has contributed 18 unique words to the clue archive:

A. J. BulmanAnchorage
T. Andersonanchorages
C. O. ButcherBottoms
J. R. Kirbybracing
J. Colebycaves
L. H. Stewartcoves
J. Colebydiffused
F. R. Palmerengagements
D. G. C. Mockridgeexclusive
A. D. Leggekibbutz
D. F. Manleykindled
M. Woolfliaise
Miss M. J. Patricknymphet
F. B. Stubbsprecocious
Dr R. J. Palmersoterial
A. J. Bulmanstoppers
J. Colebystriae
L. H. Stewartswim