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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
607 Dec 1983CARNEY normal 20


Competition 607’s average clue lengths over 20 clues:

44 letters per clue (1 below the archive average, and 1 above the average for 6-letter words)

9.0 words per clue (0.6 below the archive average, and 0.1 above the average for 6-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,289th longest normal clue in the archive)

‘Crowther’s No. 1 composer, successor to X’? (This & lit. could be devious certainly!)

62 letters, 13 words, by D. F. Manley


Shortest clues (the 2,265th shortest normal clues in the archive)

Hint of Christmas and New Year, rum butter

34 letters, 8 words, by D. Stanford


Sly – tinker with yearn after drop of cheer

34 letters, 8 words, by M. D. James


Competition 607 has contributed 11 unique words to the clue archive:

F. P. N. LakeBlandish
W. J. M. Scotlandcoax
C. G. MillinCompliments
J. J. Goulstoneflattering
T. H. Ayreflummery
J. J. Goulstonesemi-transparency
N. C. DexterSirens
F. P. N. Lakesusceptible
P. Drummondtranscription
J. J. GoulstoneWafting
T. H. Ayreyoghurt