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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
530 Jun 1982PROMETAL normal 25


Competition 530’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

49 letters per clue (4 above the archive average, and 4 above the average for 8-letter words)

10.7 words per clue (1.1 above the archive average, and 1.3 above the average for 8-letter words)


Longest clues (the 188th longest normal clues in the archive)

Good casting material, used to make pots from appearing topless – in part of Viola for example

76 letters, 16 words, by J. P. H. Hirst


Stuff for the witches’ cauldron? See the Props Mistress about frog’s innards and other things

76 letters, 15 words, by S. Goldie


Shortest clue (the 203rd shortest normal clue in the archive)

Product of forGe, say?

17 letters, 4 words, by A. G. Bogie


Competition 530 has contributed 18 unique words to the clue archive:

J. F. N. Wedgebillets
G. Perrybounces
R. Vanlangenchrome
J. F. N. Wedgecustody
D. F. ManleyExocet
F. D. Gardinerflexibility
T. J. Mooreyframed
S. Goldiefrog’s
D. AshcroftHaig
D. F. Manleyheat-resistant
J. K. Aronsoningots
F. D. GardinerIron-carbon
D. O. Williamsmelter
D. R. RobinsonMorpeth
J. K. Aronsonpig-iron
S. GoldieProps
J. F. N. WedgeProvost-Marshal
L. K. Maltbysprig