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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
456 Jan 1981BALADINE normal 23


Competition 456’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

40 letters per clue (5 below the archive average, and 5 below the average for 8-letter words)

9.0 words per clue (0.6 below the archive average, and 0.4 below the average for 8-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,431st longest normal clue in the archive)

Twister possibly anyone might see as an old mischief, lying about a racket

61 letters, 13 words, by D. P. M. Michael


Shortest clues (the 242nd shortest normal clues in the archive)

Spring in bed à la Nana?

18 letters, 6 words, by J. J. Murtha


Alma or Belinda a go-go?

18 letters, 5 words, by Mrs D. B. Jenkinson


Competition 456 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

J. D. MooreAlbi
Mrs D. B. JenkinsonAlma
J. D. Mooreane
F. R. PalmerBani
E. A. BeaulahBaptist’s
C. Allen BakerBarnum
J. B. Sweetingbedaine
Mrs D. B. JenkinsonBelinda
A. Johnstonebelly-dancer
J. D. Moored’Albi
G. Wilsongyrations
G. WilsonLaban
P. DrummondMountebank
J. J. MurthaNana
D. A. Crosslandpanto’s
H. W. Massinghampatter
E. A. BeaulahSalome
F. R. PalmerShow-biz
D. V. Harrytopples