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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
255 Feb 1977ROYAL SILVER JUBILEE normal 25


Competition 255’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

42 letters per clue (3 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 18-letter words)

10.0 words per clue (0.4 above the archive average, and equal to the average for 18-letter words)


Longest clue (the 166th longest normal clue in the archive)

Junket, 1977 recipe, i.e. a sour jelly blended with a soupçon of butter, brought about liver upset

77 letters, 18 words, by H. R. Sanders


Shortest clue (the 545th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Do for all EIIR’s rule, by Jove!

23 letters, 7 words, by C. G. Millin


Competition 255 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

C. H. Hudsonbijou
H. L. RhodesCurrently
S. E. WoodsIo
C. A. ClarkeJamboree
J. D. Fosterjealous
Mrs E. M. Phairjinks
S. Goldieloy
J. C. Brashobserving
S. E. Woodsrestrung
H. L. Rhodesrevue
H. L. Rhodesrisible
C. Lovingruler’s
S. Goldiesubj
S. C. Gilchristverilie