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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
2226 Feb 2015DOUBLE-PARKING normal 27


Competition 2226’s average clue lengths over 27 clues:

44 letters per clue (1 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 13-letter words)

8.8 words per clue (0.8 below the archive average, and 0.7 below the average for 13-letter words)


Longest clue (the 540th longest normal clue in the archive)

A large dram, gingerbread and a slice of gateau might result in arterial congestion

69 letters, 14 words, by J. R. C. Michie


Shortest clue (the 407th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Possibly loading up kerb?

21 letters, 4 words, by N. Warne


Competition 2226 has contributed 20 unique words to the clue archive:

V. Dixonblamed
P. L. Stoneblocking
G. Johnstoneclogging
P. L. StoneCustomised
J. C. Leylanddelinquent
J. R. C. Michiegingerbread
R. Bowdenhighway
G. C. RosserInconsiderate
K. Milaninconsiderately
J. C. Leylandkerb-loading
D. F. Manleykerbside
Ms S. WallaceObstructive
Ms S. Wallacepositioning
T. Andersonpre-eminent
R. C. TeutonPU
V. Dixonquadruple
K. Milanranged
J. C. Leylandrebuking
T. C. BorlandReprehensibly
G. Johnstoneuploading