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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1273 Oct 1996SIPOREX normal 21


Competition 1273’s average clue lengths over 21 clues:

56 letters per clue (11 above the archive average, and 12 above the average for 7-letter words)

11.5 words per clue (1.9 above the archive average, and 2.3 above the average for 7-letter words)


Longest clues (the 334th longest normal clues in the archive)

Opera having dropped amateur is converted into big hit and material of artistic value?

72 letters, 14 words, by P. W. Marlow


Stone artificially created central characters for ‘Nixon’ (including Pres.) with make-up

72 letters, 11 words, by Dr J. Burscough


Shortest clue (the 3,130th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Block’s constituent perhaps rigged proxies

37 letters, 5 words, by D. Williamson


Competition 1273 has contributed 18 unique words to the clue archive:

Dr J. Burscoughartificially
D. WilliamsonBlock’s
L. J. Davenportbreezy
M. H. E. Watsonbuilders
J. B. Sweetingcautiously
V. Dixonexpatiation
D. R. Robinsonexpo
E. GomersallHepworth
M. J. Bathhind
A. HodgsonInsubstantial
M. J. Bathlothario’s
G. I. L. Graftonpix
M. J. BathPrince’s
D. Williamsonproxies
F. R. Palmerprurience
D. F. Manleysemi-spongy
R. J. Palmersexier
A. Hodgsonstolid