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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1117 Oct 1993STAMNOS 3 Consecutive Letters 20


Competition 1117’s average clue lengths over 20 clues:

44 letters per clue (1 below the archive average)

9.6 words per clue (equal to the archive average)


Longest clue (the longest 3 Consecutive Letters clue in the archive)

The old pitcher from Minnesota’s giving up batting, and having no energy, stumbling

68 letters, 13 words, by R. Hesketh


Shortest clue (the shortest 3 Consecutive Letters clue in the archive)

Stone mason burst jar

18 letters, 4 words, by R. C. Mallinson


Competition 1117 has contributed 21 unique words to the clue archive:

M. BarleyAgamemnon
H. J. Bradburyamphora
M. Sandersoncontainer’s
E. J. Burgecrock’s
A. J. L. Neillcuddy’s
R. K. Lumsdondefine
R. C. Mallinsonmason
D. WilliamsonMatson’s
R. HeskethMinnesota’s
H. J. BradburyMycenae
H. J. Bradburynecked
E. J. BurgeNope
G. & J. Ferrisouzo
R. R. GreenfieldPitcher’s
D. WilliamsonRandy
G. & J. FerrisSamos
M. SandersonSamsonite
M. Barleyshards
R. J. HooperStan’s
R. Heskethstumbling
D. PendreyTam’s