The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 27: Magical lover boy not born a Prince? Frog!

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A clue to PARLEYVOO.
2 comments refer to this clue (from 2 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.Now that's better: this def is specifically relevant to the surface story. Its separation from the rest is weak, but still a nice clue.
Comments on the competition
The competition word doesn't really offer a great variety of approaches for either wordplay or definition. Hence there are so many similar entries this month, and it takes more than slightly better wording for a clue to stand out. I liked 27 and 33 for their original approaches, and 37 and 44 for neat use of French names. Just ahead though is 10, which manages a very natural and concise surface as well as misleading wordplay.