The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 50: The point of Art?

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A clue to EXCALIBUR.
6 comments refer to this clue (from 6 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.Needs some wordplay
2.The Collins reference given doesn't support point = sword. Art could be any old Arthur.
3.Would have thought that the point would be the tip of the blade and not the blade itself
4.A beautiful definition but I like to see supporting wordplay. I need two bites at the cherry every time
5.A decent try, but you are defining only the tip of the sword rather than Excalibur itself (ie the sword as a whole).
Comments on the competition
It was not an easy word to cluweree. If definition is not camouflaged properly it can a dead giveaway. Most clues have used very direct definitions. Many have surface reading with direct reference to King Arthur.

Legendary sword, sabre, famous blade etc. fall in that category.Amongst the different ones the 'point of Art?' 50 really stands out.

Brand name or legendary brand were also good camouflaging definitions.
