The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by John Newson

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John Newson has 2 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2014 Annual Competition371.5  
World Cup Special 2014Any 8-letter “PEN” word (Penalty Shoot-out)Anticipation builds, souls sag, England comes lastSUS(PEN)SE / SUS(GOAL)SE — anticipation = def. — builds = anagrind ( SOULS SAG*) — England = E ('comes last' as position indicator)7214  5 
March 2014EXCALIBURThe point of Art?Cryptic Definition — point = "the sharp tapering end of a pin, knife etc." (see Collins) — Art = commonly accepted shorthand for Arthur. — i.e. "The blade belonging to Arthur?"5261  6