The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Olympic/Paralympic Challenge competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 19: Olympic athlete, the aged Louis (Zamparini) still wears his Converse sneakers for confidence and when the US Hockey Team plays a Chinese Dragon team, he is at his most nervous; but soon regains his college age composure when he looks at his cool shoe

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5 comments refer to this clue (from 5 competitors, 0 others)

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Comments on the clue
1.Some padding is ok, but I think this overdoes it. Interesting surface, though
2.Bit too long for me I'm afraid.
3.Original idea, very wordy though with lots of padding
4.sorry, got bored part way through
5.Should obviously end "cool shoes" but maximum length is 250 chars, so it would be unfair to penalise that. However it's rather contrived.