The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 5: CERN-developed system drew low bid, we worried

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2 comments refer to this clue (from 1 competitor, 1 other)
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Comments on the clue
1.Nearly good; some work needed perhaps?
Comments on the competition
Several clues used "network" as the definition of "web" as a component of the wordplay. But that's what "web" means in the definition. That makes for a weak clue IMO.

Several others clued WWW rather than cluing the actual 12-letter light. Some said "expansion of" or words to that effect; the clue is still weak IMO. Others didn't do even that, and the clue is invalid IMO.

All told, a weak batch of clues this month. But who am I to talk? I couldn't come up with one, myself!

The only clues I awarded points to were 5 and 6. Each had a very natural-sounding surface reading. 5 is IMO unassailable. 6 is *slightly* weaker, in that "shuffling" is an imperfect anagrind ("shuffled" would be better).