The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments

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56 comments were received for this competition (from 4 competitors, 1 other)
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Comments on the competition
Several clues used "network" as the definition of "web" as a component of the wordplay. But that's what "web" means in the definition. That makes for a weak clue IMO.

Several others clued WWW rather than cluing the actual 12-letter light. Some said "expansion of" or words to that effect; the clue is still weak IMO. Others didn't do even that, and the clue is invalid IMO.

All told, a weak batch of clues this month. But who am I to talk? I couldn't come up with one, myself!

The only clues I awarded points to were 5 and 6. Each had a very natural-sounding surface reading. 5 is IMO unassailable. 6 is *slightly* weaker, in that "shuffling" is an imperfect anagrind ("shuffled" would be better).
Comments on the clues
1. Be wilder! Do bit of weed after whiskey shot in surfers' paradise
1.nice definition – but I prefer 29's straight cd
2.Amusing! Points here.
3.Good surface, but beaten for me by some more compelling clues.
2. Bewildered, wow, lost without e-network
1.The "wow" feels awkward here. And I'm not comfortable with how you are sourcing your "e".
3. Browser accesses evidence of Spiderman having taken over the earth
1.This seems like an unlikely activity for Spiderman; and an unlikely method of discovery?
4. Catholic Network – where billions go for news and entertainment
1.Not at all bad, considering a difficult phrase to clue. Points here.
2.Do they?
5. CERN-developed system drew low bid, we worried
1.Nearly good; some work needed perhaps?
6. Die unexpectedly, leaving bewildered widow shuffling a massive array of documents
1.Very well constructed and a nicely disguised definition – the best of the bunch
2.The strongest offering, I think. Points here.
3.Nearly very good. I find "shuffling" unconvincing here.
7. Doctor Dre blew widow into the net
2.I'm not sure what this clue is about – hopefully it's not trading on Dr. Dre's reputation for violence against women.
8. Eccentrically lewd bride. Wow! Is this how she computes?
1.Bettered by 40 I think.
9. Expanded openings for whingers, wreckers and weirdos?
1.Slightly loose def but would be gettable I think
2.An amusing clue that no doubt will strike a chord with many.
10. Information network started by Worrel, Weekes and Walcott? (5,4,3)
1.The three Ws is a nice touch, but surely the surface is meaningless?
11. Low-cut bride wowed, cavorting around the global network (5,4,3)
1.I do not find low-cut for LW convincing.
12. Maybe Venus (broad with singular fishnets) can be viewed here?
1.I quite like this, but I don't find "web" clued as "singular fishnets" convincing.
13. Network for surfers has doctor, lord and wife amidst large network
1."has" link doesn't really work here
2.The repetition of "network" spoils what is already a problematic clue.
14. Network with repeats to show initially?
1.I'd prefer "Network with repeats" – the abbreviation indication doesn't add much for me
2.A nice construction. If only the surface were a bit more convincing.
16. Old West Indies cricketers spun, we hear, with extra trickery
1.Definition please!
17. On Safari, IT's a means to all your dreams (12, 3 words)
1.20 works the Safari possibilities to better effect.
18. Perhaps, Lee Child’s online encyclopaedia? (9,3)
1."Lee Child" is a bit slippery. Perhaps OK in a top-drawer clue?
19. Primarily where we'd browse daily, being routed say, here?
1.Very nicely done (but perhaps let down a smidge by primarily?).
20. Safari's one way to tour this
1.I rarely give points to a CD, but I like this one.
21. Scored a hatrick on line
1.Do you mean "hat-trick"? I can't let you have "on line" as a definition either, I'm afraid.
22. Servers might help you to browse the menu here (5 4 3)
1.Good, but this isn't the ideal forum for a CD.
23. Spiders Airbnb network?
1.An imaginative effort.
24. Surfer's paradise?
1.Very nice, but hard to get points with a CD?
25. System, vast and complex.
1.Very pleasing – my favourite.
26. Taking on board extra spin bowler primarily doing well in the net.
1.I can't work out why extra means wide
2.Nice 'Summer Game' reference.
3.Good surface (spoiled a tad by "primarily") – well done.
27. Term describing large network involving internet domains and end-user workstations mainly
1.A bit techie, but interesting. You want "primarily" instead of "mainly" surely?
28. The net bowler we did arrange to take wickets (5,4,3)
1.26 did better in the nets for me.
29. Three short weeks in a surfer's paradise
1.Neat, deserves points…
2.Very good. We're not actually cluing www so perhaps a question mark would help.
30. Triple whiskey the consequence of networking? (5,4,3)
1.This type of clue is difficult to judge (and depends on how generous I'm feeling). Tough to get points with a CD though…
31. We blow-dried with sprays that you can find online
1.Quite good fun. A bit of a loose definition.
32. Welsh women and whiskey, we'd be wild and row when drunk
1.Not convinced that wordplay for www can be called a definition
2.A proper definition please.
33. Were bold WWI manoeuvres pinning Germany a manifestation of international information exchange?
1.A fine effort considering the phrase to be clued. Points here.
2.A nice construction – well done.
34. Where one could find (5,4,3)
1.Worth considering. Not really a clue though is it?
35. Where one readily locates definitions with illustrated, detailed examples – was "Encyclopedia Britannica" initially (5,4,3)
1.A fine effort. Points from me.
2.A brave attempt, rather faltering at the end I fear.
36. Widower bawled, sadly lacking a way to connect and share
1.Not quite, but perhaps could have been very good with a little more polishing?
37. Widower blew Five Hundred on linked documents
1.Not sure if I find the surface convincing. Why is Five Hundred capitalized, is it a thing?
38. With Wordle I'd puzzle, connected to this network
1.It's nearly the last clue and I'm tired – this is what the merit button is for.
39. Wow! Lewd bride? Get off the internet!
1.Not quite as good as 40.
40. Wow! Lewd bride performing here
1.Best anagram award. Pleasingly succinct, but perhaps more suitable to Private Eye.
41. www.bolderidea not a problem (5,4,3)
1.Worth considering. Not really a clue though is it?