The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 37: Mandela, maybe, appears in panels on a royal who's a royal without a ship (6/6)

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A clue to NELSON / PRINCE (Right & Left).
6 comments refer to this clue (from 6 competitors, 0 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clue
1.The surface makes no sense.
2.Not a fan of closed-ended HIPS, and root issue with the second half
3.I think cryptically giving prince as princesss without ss is a bit disappointing
4.Starts well but ends up rather nonsensical
5.The definition and wordplay for 'prince' are too similar IMHO
6.Two weaknesses IMO: the same root word for both royals, and the hidden word is at the end of its hider.