The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 8: Conveyor of yarn set up Minoan myth in Metamorphoses, having set out cursed mountain nymph Echo being captivated by Narcissus

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A clue to DISTAFF.
8 comments refer to this clue (from 7 competitors, 1 other)
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Here is the text

Comments on the clue
1.Too long and complicated for such a relatively short word
2.Extraordinary clue, sound and factually accurate! Drops a point only for the falsely capitalized verbal anagrind.
3.Clever, but too clever. I wouldn’t have had a hope solving cold.
4.This might be an an accurate account, but the compounded anagram is OTT
5.The complex and somehwat indirect wordplay I think would be excessively unfair on any potential solver.
6.Too long.
7.Come on that's ridiculous! Try clues of 8 words or less!
Comments on the competition
What wonderful essays (the clue and its explanation) at 8! Far too long and complicated for a solver, and the clue would never fit into the svailable space in a paper. Let these essays be the setter's last!