The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC October competition voters’ comments

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A clue to GULES.
59 comments were received for this competition (from 7 competitors, 3 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the competition
Clearly I was not alone in finding this short word very difficult to clue well (and failing!) It has a very specific definition difficult to disguise and only 5 letters (unless embellished) make any anagram pretty obvious. Personally, I thought using one of the spellings for the archaic Scottish word for marigold a stretch too far to be fair to the solver in a 'standard' crossword clue but I can see why this offered more scope for originality.

Awarding points was more difficult than usual with no stand-out winner for me but I chose those clues coming closest to demonstrating good, original word play, fair definition and a credible surface reading.
I loved clues 18 and 24 and gave them 5 points each.
Comments on the clues
2. A mixture of glues used in decorating some coats of arms
1.Sorry, I don't like ambiguity of verbal phrase defining noun, otherwise good
2.simple straightforward
3.Glues used for decorating?
4. Aristocratic red flowing from old French throats?
1.Too clever for me!
2.Requires specialist knowledge to solve
5. Awful guiltiness — in colour here it's apparent?
1.Clever idea. The grammar of the cryptic reading is strained.
2.Nice idea but the subtraction anagram needs to be made more explicit
6. color of violence, which it presents bloody
1.I don’t think the clue-writer intended this to be published.
7. Colour found on arms and legs with limitless sun around
1.I think the "and" is going spare in the cryptic reading
2.This works on all levels and just shades it as my winner.
11. Engraved parallel vertical lines indicate this luge’s damaged
1.Wordplay should "indicate" definition, not the other way round.
"This" not needed for wordplay.
12. Even gruellers wear heraldic red (5) G U L E S
1.It looks like part of the explanation has crept into the clue box. ‘Even x’ doesn’t mean ‘the even parts of x’.
2."Even X" doesn't fairly indicate picking even letters of X. What is function of "wear?"
3.Not sure "wear" is an acceptable link word
13. Flying Blue Ensign when leaving Benin in confusion? No — Red.
1.I think the "No —" isn't valid as a link. Otherwise imaginative and good
2.Original word play and surface story but is 'No' justified in the word play?
14. Glowing red, Mary fled from twisted, ugly smear
1.Odd reaction to a smear?
15. Glue's spilt – I see red!
1.Appears to be a definition of someone who sees red
16. Goat-boy acceptable for a ruddy field
1.How does a = I?
2.'goat-boy' for Giles is obscure, and I->U substitution is not at all clearly telegraphed by 'acceptable for a'
17. Hatching egg, louse goes missing (5)
1.Double duty of hatching unfair
2.Hatching is doing double duty – that is not ok as it is not an all-in-one clue
18. It isn't ugliest sort of colour (5)
1."It isn't ugliest" doesn't indicate UGLIEST-IT fairly; grammar wrong
2.Cryptic reading doesn’t lead to deletion of it from ugliest
3.subtraction wants to be more explicit
19. Old Scottish marigolds giving field colour?
1.Love second def. First def too difficult without easy accompanying wordplay. 2pts
2.Original word play but definition a stretch too far for me.
20. Pigment in arms and legs changes with injection of uranium
1.Your "and" is going spare in the cryptic reading.
21. Red Baron drawing fire, may require this (5)
1.Need another comma after Baron grammatically. Inventive but CD a bit too cryptic. Merit
23. Red giants – unusually luminous, ebbing stars , primarily (5)
1.Best initial letters clue
24. Red government reigns after banishing royal (5)
1.I can’t see any evidence for R = royal, except as part of a longer abbreviation
2.Not sure "G" is a common abbreviation for government other than in "G-man"
3.I would have preferred the more direct 'king' or 'queen' for R, otherwise very good.
25. Red mullets, e.g., cook this with melt for a change
1.Not keen on the double anagram indicator
26. Red regimes ultimately rooting for Republican
1.Not sure "rules" means the same thing as "regimes"
27. Red rubber found in grammar school
1.Simple and neat
28. Red sludge formed when deuterium is extracted
1.Neat but the surface is too improbable
29. Redness in arms and legs treated with hint of unguent
1.‘Hint of unguent’ looks a bit forced.
2.very good deception in "arms"; good solid charade
3.'hint' spoils the surface story when it relates to applying ointment.
30. Red's beginning to get to you Mr Patterson?
1.Original approach but 'Les Patterson' is not known on the scale of 'Dame Edna'.
31. Rose ran out of cereals (5)
1.I’m not sure granules are grains in this sense, or that gules is rose
2.The colour "rose" is pink, not red
3.Rose isn't the same colour as red.
Granule can mean a grain in the sense of a small particle, not necessarily a cereal.
32. Ruby stones for your ears (5)
1.Great idea – what a pity 'gules' and 'jewels' are not homophones.
2.Gules is not pronounced ‘jewels’. In Chambers it’s ‘gewls’ with a hard G.
33. Scarlet tincture concocted from some legumes
1.indirect anagram; no indication which letters from "legumes" are the fodder
2.Don’t get the deletion of me from legumes
34. See coat's bloody colour – strike back with energy
1."With" – acceptable containment indicator?
35. Seeing red after glue ruined shirt front.
1.Clue grammar doesn't work fairly; should be "See <synonym> after <doing something>"
37. Strive to bring back voiceless events: read aloud
1.Indirect definition unfair and proscribed by crossword editors
2.Definition missing
38. Take a drink laced with drug and turn a shade of red
1.Well put together clue.
39. The standard red's making you smell rose petals ultimately
1.A good attempt at being different even if 'ultimately' always gives the last letter(s) game away.
41. Tincture made with drug in some alcohol withdrawn
1.Surprisingly the only clue to take advantage of the double meaning of tincture.
42. Wee Angus gathering the French marigolds in auld Scotland
1.I liked this good clue but not the archaic definition it depends on.
43. Zones out, quaffs red
1.Almost very neat indeed but grammatically flawed without including (out)'of' which then spoils the clue.