The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC May competition voters’ comments

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A clue to MICKEY.
77 comments were received for this competition (from 6 competitors, 1 other)
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Comments on the competition
Not a vintage bunch of clues this month, despite the variety of meanings available to clue-writers.
I couldn't understand why 3 consecutive clues, 7, 8 and 9 all referred to 'Keystone Cops', and also why another 3 consecutive clues, 29, 30 and 31, all started with 'King among rodents'
Comments on the clues
1. A funny drink which may be taken for a laugh from a flask.
1.Surface reading contrived?
2.Too many redundant words
2. A left-footer's asking to be fouled, Spooner says.
1.Nice idea but Spoonerism a bit clunky?
3. Bad to consume ecstasy after starting mephedrone! It can knock one out
1.Not sure bad is good synonym for icky
4. Bottle of booze? That's mine! Tip coke inside occasionally – and ecstasy too!
1.Too many breaks in surface makes it somewhat laboured
5. Bugging device acquires crucial dope
1.Mic = bugging device a bit of a leap
2.Concise surface but "device acquiring dope" doesn't convey much
3.Very neat
6. Button behind sound receiver unit (6)
1.I couldn't find any evidence for the def.
2.Neat but definition too obscure
3."Unit" feels a bit vague as a definition for a specialist piece of knowledge (not in Chambers, for example). Neat construction though!
7. California's corny, comic Keystone Cops!
1.Nice use of Cops wirh differentiation in surface and cryptic readings. One of 3 such clues though
8. Comic Keystone cops – the stuff that's taken for satire?
1.Definition is not quite right for me
2.One of 3 using Keystone cops. But definition doesn't seem to cut
9. Comic Keystone Cops: animated film image
1.Same as 8
10. Confounded mice you killed originally or just one of them
1.Nice construction
11. Corny American YMCA-like hit, NOT gangsta
1.Different and worth points!
2.Surface doesn't mean much
3.You've done well to get the US indicator in too – nice and fair to the solver.
12. Diamonds include king in my trick
2.Pretty decent idea but surface doesn't convey same effect as King of Diamonds
3.Very tidy clue.
15. Dynamic keyboard displays character on screen
1.Best of the 'hidden' clues
16. Ergonomic keyboard with a virtual mouse (6)
1.Nice idea, but 'with' isn't enough of a hidden indicator
2.Undecided whether 'with' is a good indicator of a hidden word. Worth a point while I ponder!
3.With as containment indicator is too weak
17. Finn-ish mouse!
1.Sorry, I don't get that!
2.Clever one. Like it
18. For starters, May implied Corbyn was essentially sleep-inducing?
1.Key is essential not essentially and 'was' is superfluous
2.Too straightforward
20. Icky me! Animated mouse.
1.The two phrases do not really go together.
2.Surface is weak
21. I'm the extreme Kentucky cowboy leading broken wild Aussie bull.
1.Can't see where the 'e' comes from and 'leading' not good indicator of c(owboy)
2.Extreme Kentucky doesn't work . Not clear on how to get E from THE unless extreme is doing double duty
3.Best of the bull clues.
23. Insultingly, Roman Catholic might include chanted Kyrie eleison: yes, initially.
1.Surface is laboured
2.Initially = y(es)
24. Irish potato drink (6)
1.A different definition. Though haven't really tasted a potato drink!
25. It's part of the cosmic keystone; if taken, deflation could ensue.
1.Surface reading a bit improbable
2.Too many redundant words for a hidden word clue
26. It's taken in jest!
1.This needs a second def. to make a decent clue.
2.Too obscure
3.Too cryptic – could mean several things
4.Impossible to solve.
1.Please avoid capitalising your clue.
2.Doubling extremely a bit cumbersome
3.Why is the clue in capitals. Jagger is a giveaway
28. Josh takes this knockout punch
1.'takes this' is clumsy
29. King among rodents – Disney's ultimate character (6)
1.29 30 and 31 very good, equal points – don't often see virtually identical clues.
2.Nice . But exact same clue is repeated by one other
3.Both this and 30 have to earn points :)
30. King among rodents – Disney’s ultimate character?
1.Ice – but exact same clue is repeated by another. Why the question mark?
2.Both this and 29 have to earn points :)
31. King among rodents, the ultimate in Disney
1.Third clue using Similar wordplay . Intended as &lit ?
32. 'Knocker-over' — that's often associated with Finn (this person's pounding wicket putting sides off)
1.Sorry. Surface doesn't cut
2.Nice idea but far too contrived for me
33. Manchester's intelligentsia craves leadership. Enter Rooney?
1.I can't parse this at all – even with the explanation.
34. Master in charge has essential flask of alcohol
1.Weak surface
2.Straightforward but doesn't mean a lot
35. Master in charge of island has a barbarous bullock from Ballarat.
1."Of" and "has" don't work in the cryptic reading
2.Well done for working the AUS indicator in there too.
3.Abbreviation IC = in charge, not in charge of
37. Might this be taken as the source of mirth, not very pleasant, involving butt of joke?
1.Pretty decent construction
38. Mourinho initially nasty about resolution of Wayne Rooney, among others
1.Nice clue except resolution doesn't mean end. Using end instead would have got points from me
39. Mouse in cartoons keeps entertaining young faces
1.Pretty decent
2.Nice try, but can you entertain a face?!
3.Clue as a whole is a statement about Mickey not a def. of Mickey
41. Polyrhythmic keyboardist portrays a wild, young bull.
1.Surface is implausible
42. Sheila's tyke in a bad way, her well has run out
1.I don't understand the definition
43. Something that might be taken from speaker of note?
1.Nice surface but a mic isn't a speaker.
2.Not sure speaker and mic are same though OED lists speaker as a synonym
45. Tailless mice with keys leave south for Disneyland fave
1.What does the surface reading mean?
2.Half the answer is in the clue, which is not a hidden word clue.
46. The thing taken to make fun, by little animals running wild through Kentucky.
1.Mice is not anagrammed – running wild is redundant