The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments

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A clue to TRUMPETER.
78 comments were received for this competition (from 11 competitors, 3 others)
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Comments on the competition
I liked clues 8,17,22,23 and 35 equally so gave them 3 points each.
Some good ideas this month in an overall high standard entry. Clues that alluded to Trump obliquely I preferred to ones that used him directly in the wordplay.
Comments on the clues
1. A musician and model on the game, met a politician before Easter – as it goes
1.Sorry, but there is so much wrong here. T does not equal 'model' – 'the','met a' and 'it' are superfluous. Plus the surface reading is poor.
2. American President and French Queen? He's a man with the horn perhaps?
1.Made me smile, but use of TRUMP too obvious.
3. An ass in a fancy old hairdo – Republican one who proclaims and denounces
1.Nice story but don't like the redundant use of indefinite articles in wordplay.
4. Australian fish frantically utters short roar at first, caught by Melbourne's leading piano player.
1.My eyes are glazing over, sorry…
2.Why does player give E?
3.Best fish clue. Those pianists are great fisherpeople.
5. Bird or Satchmo emerges from speaker we brought out when entertaining prat?
1.Doesn't really make good surface reading
6. Blowhard President on Twitter taking everyone, ultimately, for a fool
1.Witty and well-worked clue. 5 points ahead of 19
9. Dizzy, he may be, but Donald's safe, one might say.
1.But the last two syllables of trumpeter don't sound remotely like "Peter"
2.Strictly speaking it's not homophonic
10. Dizzy, perhaps, with fluctuating temperature after leaving A&E
1.Strong clue – not quite convinced that fluctuating really means jumbled
2.Best of the clues referencing an actual trumpeter
11. Dizzy? Temperature? Sadly there's no A&E.
1.Not as fluent as 10 and risks being a little tasteless
2.Not quite as good as 10 which uses the same idea
12. Elephant perhaps better trained when not starting to guzzle buns
1.The "not starting to" considerably weakens the surface
13. Fish that's tasty eaten for starters in great Australian batter
1.Reference is far too obscure, sorry
2.Like the use of 'batter', but I think Trumper is a bit obscure.
14. Flier safe after endless blast
1.Doesn't make much sense.
2.I'm afraid I struggle with the concept of 'after endless' anything
15. 'Game-player May has lost face meeting US President' — from a loud denouncer?
1.Not exactly current GK (six decades ago). Linkword 'from' pointing the wrong way for me
3.Too many Mays in the sports world to make this fair on the solver
16. He can be seen playing Donald Duck in Newcastle with Mrs Daley – parking is limited (9)
1.Far too many stretches and liberties to be solvable, let alone satisfying. Sorry.
2.This is stretching one's ability to read between the lines too far!
3.I just can't visualise this scenario
4.Nice idea but a little long-winded.
17. Herald gets President to chop tree (9)
1.Straightforward but doesn't mean much!
18. I loudly denounce mad nutter with perm, blanking out November
1.Nice story and neat construction
2.Easily my favourite out of the President Trump clues because the president is not actually mentioned either in the clue, or as part of clue.
3.Good idea to reference Trump indirectly, but could you both forget and denounce him?
19. I proclaim US President not entirely safe
1.Neat crisp clue. 4 points behind 6
2.Best of the Trump clues and how true!
20. I proclaim with polls dropping, Labour better dump leader – finally!
1.Still can't work it out – at best all the adding and subtracting is far too fiddly and not properly signposted
2.Not sure about 'labour' as anagram indicator or its position in the wordplay. Its definition is 'work out in detail', otherwise very clever.
3.Great surface.
21. Loud-voiced American creature regularly stirs up parliamentarians mostly and foreign royal
1.The "mostly" is very obtrusive
2.Why not just 'parliamentarian' singular?
23. Met Rupert about swan, perhaps.
1.And how did that go?
2.Good clue – maybe the 'perhaps' is unnecessary?
24. Network back chasing President's spokesman (9)
1.Nice surface, but a spokesman isn't necessarily a proclaimer.
25. Network backed by President. "Good news", he announces (9)
1.I like the 'network' idea
27. One praising Satchmo?
1.Nice economic clue.
29. Perhaps mutter softly with hesitation? Not this chap!
1.Nice & lit. idea
2.Worth a point though I've never understood how "perhaps" can indicate an anagram.
30. President chopped tree, he proclaims
1.A very nice spot – shame it has to be "proclaims"
31. Remains entertained by half-hearted rock musician
1.EE needs to be the centre of the word for this to work.
2.I'm not keen on 'half-hearted' used like this.
32. Safe…with the Donald?! Not one scintilla of principle, a braggadocio
1.19 does this far better I'm afraid
33. 'Satchmo' for one could deceive alien queen.
1.Really? How?
34. Satchmo the Swan? (9)
1.But why is Satchmo the swan?!
35. Say, elephant in rut with temper tantrums?
1.Lovely idea but e.g. "…in rut struggling with temper" would have been much safer and fairer (and got 5 pts from me). 1 point as it is.
37. Strange – dropping sea temperatures disorientated fish (9)
1.The first anag ind 'strange' doesn't bind properly with SEA
2.Good idea – omitting "strange" would greatly improve this clue.
3.'Strange' is in the wrong place to indicate anagram of 'sea'
4.Strange isn't needed – without it would have been a great clue
5.What is 'strange' doing in the wordplay?
38. Swan in to stop Democrat replacing the President
1.But the replacement is the other way round: TRUMP replaces D. A bit too indirect anyway – compare the excellent 6
2.It should be President replacing Democrat.
3.The President's replacing Democrat, surely.
39. Swan sees strong saint! (9)
1.Old English words totally unfair
2.Alliteratively speaking, i'm sure.
40. Swann for one type of swan.
1.Unfair GK
2.Swann a bit obscure
3.With all respect to Rick, this is too obscure a ref.
41. Swan's odd domestic animal to be kept in terrace (9)
1.Along with 44, the best of the swan clues
42. The current President has limited term after base gives him a bird
1.'The bird' would make more sense
43. This bird's a slut, after removing top starts entertaining regulars?
1.Offensive and puerile, as well as poor technically
2.Good clue, but I would have given more points if a different synonym for 'strumpet' had been used.
3.'starts to entertain regulars' would have been better
4.What a shame that this didn't read "…starts to entertain regulars". First rate other than, for me, unsound indicator of first letters.
44. This swan's ill-matched with mute partners
1.Lovely original & lit. idea
45. Time to get suspicious with safe-blower
1.Gets my first place! Straight forward clue, yet nicely disguised.
2.Can't use 'safe-blower' to mean 'safe blower'
3.Where's the definition?
4.Hyphen unfairlt misleading – could easoly have been omitted to produce a respectable clue.