The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC October competition voters’ comments

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A clue to CHOCTAW.
118 comments were received for this competition (from 17 competitors, 1 other)
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Comments on the competition
Lots of clumsy stuff, some of which will undoubtedly score highly. But then a rather nasty word maybe asked for it. 2.5 to six clues, including a few using the nice simple idea of a cat suffering in the jaws of a dog
A few clever definitions and wordplay ideas on show, but too many Indians/braves/native Americans, and far too many dogs consuming cats.
A tough word, to judge by the success of the entries. Of a handful of nicely constructed clues I gave highest marks to 39 and 49. Honourable mention to the almost brilliant 7, but 'becoming' can really only be used of a person's conduct or appearance.

Belated apologies to the author of clue 3, placed 13th, in last month's GREASEPAINT competition. I was among those who did not recognise 'loco' as an anagram indicator and passed the clue over for points. In retrospect I think it is one of the best entries of the year. Thank you to the commenter who pointed out what I missed.
Comments on the clues
1. About to look back when love enters in a graceful sliding movement
1.Works, but not enthused with the surface
2. After launch of channel, watch retrospective about circle of native Americans?
1.Using the letters as is, even if reversed, not very desirable
2.Not happy with launch as anagrind.
3. Alabama native chewing cat chow! (7)
1.But 'chow' appears in the same order so there's no real need to anagram it technically
4. American in Switzerland has, in short, 31 days to get a wife
1.31 days does not = OCT any more than it does JAN, MAR etc
2.I think no need for 'in short' – makes the clue nicer without it.
3.Cryptic reading isn't English – given the 'in', 'has' should be 'having'
4.Quite apart from being a stretch, should be 'having' instead of 'has' to be grammatically kosher
5.'American' is a very loose definition.
5. American Indian tailless dogs surround confused cat
1.A bit awkward pluralising a noun only to singularise it again!
2.Adding and subtracting the s of 'CHOW[s]' seems rather odd
3.Seems singular to use the plural and then delete the s to make it singular
4.A singular dog could corner or trap a cat and avoid the superfluous wordplay.
6. Amerinds see first colonials retreating, having gained nothing
1.I'm not keen on 'first colonials' for C
2.Difficult to accept that 'first colonials' is C. First OF colonials would be better.
3.'first colonials' is not English for 'first letter of colonials'
4.Nice effort, but 'first colonials' doesn't signify first letter C for me
5.Shame, would have been a good clue with 'first of colonials'
6.I can't see how 'first colonials' = watch.
7. Around zero Celsius, watch out for step becoming an ice rink
1.Neat, I like the use of 'becoming'. Top clue for me.
2.Nice misleading surface reading and definition
3.'become' in this sense can only be used of a person (certainly not an ice rink!) – pity, as excellent otherwise
4.Nice, but surface doesn't convey anything very plausible
8. At western, 'Cochise' mostly destroyed Indians.
1.How does 'Cochise mostly' become just Coch?
10. Brave cat rips into dog
1.Neatest of the cat / dog clues.
2.This would be more convincing if the anagrind were 'ripped'
3.Not convinced about rips as anag. ind.
4.'Dog and cat' elements somewhat obvious and may have done the rounds
11. Brave to pick up job around this time of year (7)
1.Why brave?
2.Where is the indicator for "sounds like"
12. Burying the hatchet with cow rustling Native American
1.Clever cryptic reading. I'll buy the US sense of 'rustle'.
2.Really nice idea and construction. A topper for me
13. Camels have occupied countries throughout Asia, whilst originally being native to North America
1.Different, nice use of 'being' – I had to check that fact and it's true!
2.A little obvious and rather long (though apparently true!)
3.Merit for being factually correct; problem is this just reads like a sentence and not a clue to which an answer is required
4.I like the history lesson!
14. chow {chow} del + act/ ion reverse 1st word minus 2nd word
1.Did you mistakenly put your random ramblings in the wrong place?
2.I'm all for challenging clue-writing conventions, but this takes it too far
3.A most odd surface reading
4.Seems this blueprint wouldn't have worked anyway – CTA is not a reversal of ACT
5.Didn't figure this one out at all
6.Complicated and incomplete.
8.I shall let everyone else comment.
9.The wordplay is supposed to be an encoded form of the explanation, not a restatement of it. Also where is the definition?
15. Cold – zero Celsius – what affected movement on ice.
1.Best of the movement clues.
16. Conservative party, leaderless and dividing, see regressive motion put on ice
1.Not keen on a two-letter word being leaderless.
2.17 does this idea better
17. Conservative Whip keeps this move on ice
1.I'd prefer an indicator of the Latin in here. Merit for a nice idea.
2.Neat and misleading. Very good clue.
3.Neat and worth points
18. Dog biting wild cat is perhaps brave
1.'Dog and cat' elements somewhat obvious and may have done the rounds
19. Dog's taking on angry cat? That's brave!
1.'Brave' as def needs a 'perhaps'.
2.My favourite of the dog/cat versions
20. Ginger cat trapped by dog sliding around
1.Don't get ginger as anag. ind. and definition not precise
21. Hard to understand, unsettling, chaotic, no one gets the point (7)
1.I do not understand the definition.
2.Def. is far too loose
3.Choctaw not generally a synonym for hard to understand
4.A different take and nice surface, though one might take issue with the definitive 'the' before point
23. Indian catnip in food (7)
1.Don't think catnip can possibly indicate anag. of cat
2.Anagram indicator should not be part of a word.
3.Nip is part of catnip.
24. Indian curry has only cumin, turmeric – and water to start
1.Best of the acrostics
2.Not a very appetising curry!
3.I did like this but not 100 per cent happy with 'Indian' as definition.
26. Indian food is flavoured with cumin, turmeric and asafoetida primarily (7)
1.'Flavoured with' as containerind doesn't work for me. 'Contains hints of' would have avoided the clunky 'primarily'.
27. Indian watch company short-changed
1.Company is short, and 'watch Co' is changed. Nothing is short-changed.
2.Good one
28. It takes a brave man to make a Crow cry about the state of Pawnees' stock, they say.
1.Unconventional but too clever to pass over
2.Rather a lot of redundant words here.
3.Crow/Pawnee is a tremendous spot – what a pity a more comprehensible surface reading couldn't have been attained.
29. It's my turn with my shooter after having a sweet. (7)
1.'my' is superfluous.
2.Extraneous words are considered a defect – what you really mean is "Turn with shooter after sweet"
30. Leaders of Cherokee tribe ordered historical co-operation with another displaced tribe
1.It works, but surface needs to be more entertaining with a device like this.
31. Mississippi band member’s good turn
1.The 'turn' definition is yoo vague and 'good' doesn't really help.
2.Nice surface from the double definition
3.Decapitalisation (of Band) generally considered a no-no, and why "good"?
4.Just 'good turn' without some reference to skating makes it too generalised
32. Native American tribe that almost caught cow butcher.
1.The anagram indication is grammatically unsound
2.Anag. ind. needs to work grammatically: butchers/butchering before the fodder, or butchered after it
3.Surface isn't very convincing
4.Pretty nice and makes perfect sense!
33. Native American wild cat bitten by dog
1.Best of the dog-bites-cat clues
34. Native American's chat with OC reviewed (7)
1.Who or what is OC? What has it got to do with a Native American?
36. New watch company briefly put a change of direction on ice (7)
1.Nice smooth construction
2.Good effort, but change of direction from a new company doesn't seem convincing on the surface. Something like 'struggling' perhaps?
37. No ordinary Aussie squaddie – marbles used to baffle Bosche
1.In the Australian army choco (short for chocolate soldier) is a derogatory term used by regulars and only applies to reservists.
2.You can lose your marbles/wits, but I don't think marbles=wits generally
39. Original American candy cane?
1.Lovely spot, even if 'cane?' for the very obscure 'taw' is asking a lot of the solver
40. Potential hunter returned having caught nothing following cold turn on the ice.
1.Not sure 'potential' is fair indication (potentially, possibly, perhaps would be fairer)
42. Skating manoeuvre for certain native Americans (7)
1.Rather dull double def.
2.Since the skating move is named after the tribe, this is not much more than a GK clue
3.Not uniquely pointing to answer, could be Mohawk for example
43. Skating movement watched on ice perhaps – I need to go.
1.INEED needs its own anag. ind. since the letters do not appear in that order in WATCHEDONICE (unlike clue 12)
2.Faulty: it's an ANAGRAM (not indicated) that must go (anag – anag. needs 2 indicators)
44. The Indian Watch Co. is going bust.
1.'The' spoils both the definition and the wordplay, since it plays no part in either
2.Straightforward clue with a good surface reading.
3.Def. should be 'An Indian'
4.Leading 'the' seems irrelevant. Of the few clues in this vein, 27 does it the best
45. This tenor's taken by sound of Crow Indian
1.Neat and fair – in the points for me
46. Trump:"What a cock-up. Khan's not even a proper American" (7)
1.Good try, but the cryptic reading has been sacrificed for the surface I think
2.Ingenious but not very solver-friendly to say the least
48. Watch out outside when it's freezing – you'll get movement on the ice
1.'When it's freezing' is a bit too indirect
2.Not bad but 7 does it better
3."when it's freezing" for "0C" is a bit vague.
49. We have reservations about crackpot who's cradling mutant cat
1.Bizarre story but well constructed and would be a fun solve
50. What, round about middle of ice, turns?
1.Nice attempt at & lit, but surface reading a bit clumsy.
2.But it's the skater who turns
51. What some Native Americans would get at Cadbury World, by the sound of it.
1.That's a pretty stretched homophone
52. What the forward edge of Cousins and Co. may finish off?
1.I get why it's needed in the surface, but 'may finish off' is a strange anag. ind. Definition is also very technical!
2.Best of the skating & lits.
3.'Finish off' is not intransitive so 'what' must be doing double duty here.
4.Good idea, but the surface does seem to perplex and anagramming indication not so clear
5.Nice try but let down by the superfluous "may finish"