The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC September competition voters’ comments

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63 comments were received for this competition (from 15 competitors, 1 other)
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Comments on the competition
Too many clues with either very convoluted wordplay or an unconvincing storyline or a giveaway definiton or even some combination of these. The simple anagram with a well-disguised definition as at 18 will win every time(for me), though a comma is needed before the 'I'.
Of all the clues using anagrams this month I thought clue 50 was the simplest yet most apt for the definition.
I also thought that clues 12 and 35 were over elaborate.
Comments on the clues
1. A Musical coat of many colours worn on stage
1.Would have been better without A so Musical had a reason to be capitalised
2. A pre-stage transformation in features?
1.Greasepaint isn't the act of doing the transformation, so this is grammatically a bit shonky.
3. Acting in loco parentis, e.g. covering for King Lear?
1.How does the solver know to ignore "loco"?
2.I think this is superb, but nearly discounted it until I looked in Chambers and found that loco means crazy.
3.Superbly disguised anagrind.
5. Actor's make-up applied for pageantries
1.Why is this a reverse anag?
8. Application to play a genie's part?
12. Different head physiognomy I grant with ease! (11)
1.Head physiognomy does not indicate 'p'.
2.I can't vote for a clue that needs such a long explanation.
15. Doctor eating pears with pancake (11)
1.Fresh slant
16. Drunken rats a'peeing on pancake! (11)
1.Nice idea, but 'on' makes no sense cryptically.
17. Eating juicy pears smeared her makeup.
1.Without redundant words 'juicy' and 'her' it would have been quite a neat clue. Shame.
2.Perhaps suggests (EATING)*+(PEARS)* not (EATINGPEARS)*
3.It has happened to me!
18. Fancy pants I agree, is what a traditional clown would wear?
1.A little clumsy, but worth points!
2.A very nice clue sadly spoilt by an erroneous comma.
3.Would have awarded more if comma hadn't been clumsily omitted after 'pants'.
19. Faulty gene is a part of one's make-up (11)
1.Clever anagram.
2.Lovely surface (though truer in the plural). But "one's" isn't quite right for greasepaint e.g. I've never worn any.
20. Floppy pig ear's neat waxen stuff that's spread on hams, perhaps.
1.Like the play on 'hams' but surface reading suffers.
2.Absolutely Hilarious!
3.…but not eaten, I hope.
21. Gene is a part encoding make-up of character
1.Very good, but I slightly prefer 19
22. Get arse pain – terrible – from slap.
1.Delightfully crude – well done
24. I pant frightfully after doctor agrees for theatrical application
1."after doctoring agrees' or "after agrees doctored", but not "after doctor agrees". "Doctor agrees I pant frightfully…" would have worked.
2.I'm not convinced that the imperative anagrind quite works in this position for perfect cryptic grammar
25. Is state-dependent person suffering in great slap?
1."state-dependent person" for E is a bit of a stretch (I assume this is the E in the A B C1 C2 D E demographic classification)
26. Lay it on thick when playing part as genie?
1.Strictly speaking 'Lay it on thick' indicates a verb, not a noun.
2.Best of the genie clues.
27. Make up girl's at hand, to comfort model
1.The indirect anagram is too much of a stretch for me.
2.AFAIK g is not a recognised abbreviation for girl.
3.Greasepaint is 'make-up', not 'make up'. Comma erroneous.
28. "Make-up" repeating as "make up"
1.Nice idea – I wonder if the make-up and make up should be switched to make the clue even better?
2.Nice idea, but would have worked better grammatically had 'make up' and 'make-up' swapped places!
30. Making free gains Peter a slap
1.Best of the slap clues, though the grammar/punctuation of the cryptic reading is a little dubious
35. Review of "The Agony and the Ecstasy" at His Majesty's – time they put it on at the Palladium (11)
1.Do not comprehend explanation.
37. Shakespearian get-up? Shake 'spearian get' up!
1.Worth a point for its audacity!
2.Not sure about 'get-up' as a definition, but the clue merits a mention for ingenuity and sheer cheek.
3.Clever and original, and for once the exclamation mark is fully justified. Love it!
4.Unconventional but a brilliant idea. Top marks.
5.Jolly clever – well done
38. Show distress – time for some nose powder, perhaps (11)
1.'greasepaint' is a 'tallowy substance', not powder (nor make-up in general).
2.There are thousands of shows (tv, movie & theatre) as well as many synonyms for word "show".
40. Slap and tickle in area gets chief of police arrested
1.What work is "arrested" doing?
43. Slap is terribly exasperating if wanting kiss
1.Unfortunately 'if' spoils it.
44. Slap's exasperating when badly wanting a kiss
1.Similar to 43, 'when' spoils it.
46. Spite and endless rage involved dramatic slap.
1.Best use of "slap".
47. Stage disguise in which Potter co-star accomodates right-hand man comfortably (11)
1.Wordplay sequence is wrong and ease does not mean comfortably.
48. Stage preparation disguising no ordinary part, perhaps
1.Good idea, but 'disguising' isn't an intransitive verb alas ('that's disguised' would have been fine instead).
50. Streep again unrecognisable in this?
1.Like the Streep connection, but not sure about unrecognisable as anagram indicator?
2.There's probably a better anagrind around than 'unrecognisable'
3.I think it's technically a semi&lit, but a good clue whatever you call it.
4.My favourite – well done
51. The direction in which this point lies + juicy fruit + inch
1.This just doesn't make any sense at all – have a look at some guides on how cryptic clues work.
2.Please take the time to look at other clues on this site and see how they work. A clue is not just a random collection of words.
3.Quite possibly the most unsolvable "clue" I've ever encountered! Has its author ever seen a crossword before?!
4.No definition, anagrams and assembly not very clearly clued.
5.Missing a definition, anagrind and logic.
6.No anagrind or definition and I never considered that a grape was a juicy fruit.
54. This could render stage actor's face in rep
1.Nice idea, but 'render' doesn't quite work for me – e.g. 'transform' better.