The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Richard Harvey

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Richard Harvey has 4 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2014 Annual Competition411.5  
Christmas Special 2014MOUSETRAP / HERMITAGE (Right & Left)French wine museum surprisingly put medium Rosé with a shoddy cheeseHERMITAGE by double definition (french wine and museum). MOUSETRAP definition "shoddy cheese"; wordplay = anagram of PUT+M(edium)+ROSE plus A.132.50  3 
October 2014CLOSESwinging couples at university shunned in the neighbourhoodDEFINITION: in the neighbourhood WORDPLAY: anagram (indicated by swinging) of COUPLES with UP (at university) rejected (shunned)524.52  1 
September 2014TASER (Printer’s Devilry)Bank of England auditors in specious fraud claimBank of England auditors inspect a serious fraud claim. [The solver is given a hint because in the world of finance – indicated by the start of the clue – "SERIOUS" often accompanies "FRAUD"]1481  5 
August 2014EATANSWILLMistakenly we install a corrupt political choiceWE INSTALL A (anagram: indicator MISTAKENLY)625.50