The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Max Woghiren

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Max Woghiren has 3 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2013 Annual Competition281.5  
May 2013MORGUEAdditional houses go up regularly to make room for those who are latedef: "room for those who are late"; MOR(GU)E ("additional" = MORE, "go up regularly" = GU)632.52  7 
April 2013NEBULARClose to catching endless mass of interstellar dustdef: "of interstellar dust"; NE(BUL)AR (close to = NEAR, endless mass = BUL(k))920.51  4 
February 2013SPIDERMANP.S. I'm a nerd in disguise!anag, &lit6371  3