The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC July competition voters’ comments

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34 comments were received for this competition (from 6 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
Nothing REALLY grabbed me this month. I think I was in a post-Glaswegian frame of mind, subconsciously in diving or gymnastics mode: some had high degrees of difficulty but were not quite executed smoothely enough; others were pot on but just too simple. This applied especially to the multiple definition clues which I have to admit I don't much enjoy unless there is some wonderful distraction (and at least a mischievous and disguised switch of verb-adjective-noun or whatever. Too many of the longer clues had moderate surface engagement. I gave my to score to 28 (where I could genuinely say "I wish I'd written that"), and probably underscored it as I ended up giving points to more clues than I ever have before. Maybe that's more Glaswegian influence…
Poor double definitions and extremely obvious definitions were both to much in evidence this time. There was also a lot o long complicated stuff. That said, I found a number of good straightforward clues, and so my top ones, 5 and 14, both very neat, each had to make do with four points.
Comments on the clues
1. American band rock their song: Last Kiss
1.Did you forget to include the definition in your clue?
2. Barely adequate income obtained from their songs, unfortunately
1.Works fine though not quite convinced about the 'income' bit. Nothing special to excite in the clue
3. Barely adequate lot sing about others dancing
1.Not sure what the surface conveys
4. Budget light sensor might save money
1.A nice clue with a great deception in the use of 'save'. Light as an anagram indicator not the strongest
2.'Light' is the anagram indicator?
6. Can it be looped around, restricting movement of toes?
1.'loop around' rather than 'be looped around' might lead to 'ring'. And the &lit seems iffy
2.Good & lit. construction, perhaps a bit too clever for the solver
10. Crossing the knot? You'd have caught this.
1.This makes no sense at all to me. Perhaps a proper explanation would have been an idea?
2.A very good idea, but not convinced with 'knot' as the anagram indicator
11. Dress hose run while fastening thong (10)
1.'Dress hose' (as opposed to what other hose?) makes the surface odd. Can't figure out role of 'while fastening'
12. Economy tyres sound (10)
1.But how do you get from the homophone to 'shoestring'? There is nothing in the clue that indicates this.
2.Nice variation, but then 'tiers' is in the plural?
13. Eve of the 80s, he's sorting out help for Radio West's audience.
1.Way beyond me!
2.Thanks for the memory, but it's a little faded these days
3.I'm split on this one. It's an ok clue if you're not familiar with Mr Shoestring. If you are, the solution is almost handed to you
14. Gosh, rent is going up…It could result in having to live on this?
1.Good idea, but surface is rather forced, and I'm not that keen on 'going up' to indicate the anagram
2.An explanation of the anagrind is required. If you meant 'going up' as 'exploding', then ok. If you meant it literally, it isn't.
15. He's sorting out a reduced budget (10)
1.Neat and not obvious anagram
16. In Harlem petty criminal shot singer
1.Clever and original anagram idea
19. Insufficient peanuts
1.Not truly a DD; they really refer to the same meaning
2.Not really a double def, but the same def expressed in two ways
20. It goes through holes of runny noses, right? (10)
1.Not clear what the surface was trying to convey
23. Lace host's cocktail with drug, and grin. included an anagrind for 'hosts', but you also need one for 'grin'. '…grin crookedly' perhaps?
25. Leaders of new Russia don't get big houses abroad on this budget
1.Difficult to see why this is an &lit
26. Lean Enterprise signs, bother lost British manufacturing (10)
1.I can't accept manufacturing as an intransitive verb
28. Maybe Oxford Chief of Police has captured Morse's heart in low-budget detective series.
1.This needs at least a question mark somewhere
30. One's girth's spreading? Trainer may get one tightened up
1.Good misleading surface
34. Plimsoll line showing maximum necessary? On the contrary!
1.'maximum necessary' appears to be a contradiction in terms
37. Rampaging tigers nosh some french fries. (10)
1.Great idea, but defintion obscure.
42. Someone's capital e.g. in short supply
1.I don't normally like 'capital' to indicate a first letter, but it's appropriately used here
46. "Thongs, Sire? Slips? Lace?"
1.Well strung together
53. Yank tie tight
1.Terse and good deception