The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC May competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 4: Bowler chucking banned -- one mustn't throw us exuberantly!

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A clue to PHAT (Printer’s Devilry).
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Comments on the competition
c) I think we've demonstrated that good PD clues are not easy to write. Many of these (including mine, I should stress) display one or other of the common weaknesses of the form. These include the use of irrelevant proper names (I exclude "Ralph" on thematic and "why didn't I think of that" grounds) and contorted phraseology that seeks to provide a justification for differing contexts. My own preference is for some new word divisions outside the devilled part. That said, there were several I enjoyed - from the top down

#21 Elegant and clear. The notion of an alpha test for software is new to me, but I assume has technical significance (he said patronisingly!)

#6 The devilry is straightforward, but the clue's attraction lies in the ambiguity of "bowler", which is cleverly exploited.

#4 See above - but the more convoluted surface devalues it by comparison.

#19 More involved devilry, but the change in syntax from "shove" to "shatters" is an unfortunate weakness.

#5 Outrageously imaginative. It's always a shame when the context has to be pointed out, though.

For next month could we have a rhyming couplet including PHAT and with a seasonal theme, just to complete the set?