The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 10: Feast on piece of cake! (6)

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A clue to EASTER (Misprints).
8 comments refer to this clue (from 7 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.Wordplay is required for EASTER, not a definition.
2.'on' not part of definition or wordplay
3.Piece of cake = easy, not easier!
4.Definition indicates 'easy' not 'easier', and 'on' has no cryptic role
5.The redundant 'on' spoils this clue.
6.You are not meant to be defining 'Easter' – need wordplay to Easter, definition to a misprint
Comments on the competition
Several clues (10 11 12 13 22 23 54) contain a definition for EASTER. Whether cryptic, &lit or plain, a definition is not wordplay as I understood the instructions. This point was commented on in the Christmas 2012 Special competition. A couple of clues (14 and 15) use "hesitation" to indicate "er", which doesn't seem right to me. "Sign of hesitation", perhaps. Some excellent clues among the others; preference given to those which combine the two key words seamlessly. Found it hard to separate my top five, finally scored them 3.5, 3, 3, 3, 2.5.
Overall a good effort by the community! Almost all clues have good surfaces. For me the surfaces which put a bit of smile on my face are found in clues 8,17,19,25,30,32,34,49,50,52 & 53. I could spot only two 'misfires' in 10 and 11 which provided definition for Easter and word-plays for the misprint. Some clues were educational for me like 44 (I never related the aster in asterisk & asteroid)and 50 from where I learnt about the raster. I gave max points to 8 for the sheer simplicity and ease of the surface though I'm not sure about the definition.