The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April competition voters’ comments

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A clue to Anagram of 38 letters (Anagram).
49 comments were received for this competition (from 9 competitors, 2 others)
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Comments on the competition
Very few clues lead to the 'celebration'.
This was quite a pleasing bunch. I would have given the Pippa anagram more than 1 point if she'd really been a lady-in-waiting in the strict sense!
I thought it a shame that there was only one really good effort, viz 34. But it was a stiff challenge, of course.
It's astonishing how many different approaches lurk within a mere 38 letters on essentially the same theme. Although there were good ideas a-plenty, I thought that 10 and 36 were head and shoulders above the rest, because they both sounded so natural.
I guess we all had problems shoehorning the last few awkward letters into words. My marks went to clues 32, 8, 17, 9, 11, 14 and 36, which made this least obvious.
Comments on the clues
1. A congenially warm, dateable Windsor? Liked it!
1.Slightly spoilt by the past tense.
3. a dewy, sentimental and weird biological lark
1.Loses its way rather in the second half.
5. A national wet, like Lord & Lady Cambridge's wine.
1.Does duke and duchess equal lord and lady? I don't think so. This clue has the required 38 characters without "&"; I think it is invalid.
2.The ampersand is a bit of a cheat
3.Merit for getting "Cambridge" in – though I'm not convinced "&" is acceptable in an anagram!
6. A new Diana I. I render Will totally gobsmacked
1.Pity about the first "I"
9. Coy, radiant bride taken down aisle will gleam
1.Unlike Diana, Kate is not seen as coy.
10. Delectable looker, lady-in-waiting's main draw
1.I think many people would agree with you. Well done.
2.Good-looking anagram too
11. Diana's boy knew Middleton girl well – ace tiara !!
1.A very clever anagram
2.Full marks from me. Ace anagram.
12. Did we not make a great Windsor alliance, Billy!
1.A pity about "Billy", which surely isn't used for Prince W.
14. Girl necked a lot by an elite airman, (Di's lad). Wow!
1.I don't think that two brief kisses counts as 'necked a lot'.
2."a lot" is pushing it a bit in terms of the surface.
17. "I do" – Wow! Great! CIA men kill Bin Laden days later.
1.Most of this is irrelevant.
2.Good one, though Osama is irrelevant here. Liked it as it made for a meaningful read.
3.A quirky sort of relevance
1.A great idea, but let down in the execution by final three words & opening "I" (which would hardly appear in a personal column ad)
20. Inebriated wallydraigles not wedlock mania
1.I can't help feeling this owes more to technology than inspiration. Apologies if I'm wrong
2.Thanks for introducing me to a splendid new word!
21. King-to-be married local lady – i.e. wanted in-laws
1.Very well thought out; amusing too.
24. Maybe we are all calling: "Di tied a Windsor knot."
1."Windsor knot" was an excellent find, but it could have been developed better.
25. New Diana? Girl totally liked became a Windsor
1.Head and shoulders above the rest, (including mine!)
2.Straightforward and apt.
26. Olé! I knew I'd marry a bald lad to get nice in-laws!
1.I enjoyed the cynicism of this one
2.Made me laugh the most, so the superfluous 'ole' is forgiven
3.Only marked down because of the random spanish exclamation. Neat and funny though.
31. Wee Middleton girl saw a nice tall boy in a dark …
1.Kate is not especially wee.
32. Welcome break, rallying nation? "Twaddle", said I
1.The best I would say in every respect and one of the few to actually address the 'celebration'.
2.Good to see one curmudgeon in the pack. Nicely constructed too
3.The writer manages to get a point of view across. Made me chuckle.
33. Well-liked tragic Lady Di wannabe? Moi? Treason!
1.The surface is let down by "Treason!"
34. We're at magical day in London – Will takes bride.
1.This would have received 5 points from me if Will had been Wills
2.A run-away winner. None of the others comes even close.
3.I gave this 2 and would have given more but for the Will which for me is too close to William.
4.A brilliant summary of the occasion. Only the 'Will' detracts slightly from it
5.Good one, but just didn't like the use of 'Will'.
35. William weds an adoring, delicately born Kate.
1.I think leaving 'William' and 'Kate' un-anagrammed a bit weak
2.The phrase to be clued includes "William", and it should not form part of the anagram
3.Both William and Kate are in the phrase to be anagrammed!
4.Not in favour of seeing Kate and William in the anagram also.
5.Re-using Kate and William spoils the anagram. It could just as well be Fred and Wilma
36. Windsor alliance? Break away Middleton..leg it!
1.Much the best of the anti-monarchy entries. Good to get both Windsor & Middleton in. Very neat.
2.Can't really award points as I also had this but thought it a bit too clumsy!