The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 2: A break taken when feeling down from morning to night

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A clue to DUVET DAY.
2 comments refer to this clue (from 1 competitor, 1 other)
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Comments on the competition
I thought 2 and 24 were very good.
Clue 17 is either very good or too simple, I can't work out which.
The perfect clue for me is 18.
26 was my top clue – it had an interesting story in two words allowing the solver's imagination to go to work. Other than that my pick was the set of clues around "down time". 2's "feeling down" – I felt it was an imaginative use of the term, nicely done. Other than these ideas, the only ones I liked were the ones that were the composite anagram clues with "evade duty"..A couple had good surfaces. Did not rate the clues with proper nouns in the clue just because I did not think it would be allowed in say, the Times (eg., Dave). All in all, a worthy effort from the submitters – I did not think there were many ideas to work with but the entrants have shown great imagination.