The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 5: Ditching Sabbath, Ozzie works alone on "Paranoid" intro. It's Excellent!

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A clue to PHAT.
2 comments refer to this clue
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Comments on the competition
d) Clue 27 is a very good &lit: it works well. 5's a bit wordy but well crafted. 37 conjures up interesting images! I quite liked the 'dripping' pun in 19 and thought 21 was well worth a point for doing a much better job on a similar idea to mine!
i) 5 points to clue no. 16 - a brilliant example of an &lit

4 points to clue no. 4 - cleverly done, with a very good surface reading

3 points to clue no. 14 - I couldn't agree more!

2 points to clue no. 5 - nicely misleading

1 point to clue no. 18 - for sheer rudery!