The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 19: If hot tap's broken, it may be cool or heard to be dripping, for instance

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A clue to PHAT.
3 comments refer to this clue
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Comments on the competition
d) Clue 27 is a very good &lit: it works well. 5's a bit wordy but well crafted. 37 conjures up interesting images! I quite liked the 'dripping' pun in 19 and thought 21 was well worth a point for doing a much better job on a similar idea to mine!
g) I'm afraid that this set of clues struck me as the weakest I can recall. Many I thought unsound, usually because of extra words (occasionally amounting to more than half the clue) but sometimes because the cryptic reading was ungrammatical, and sometimes where the solver was required almost to guess a word from a hint. Two that I liked but couldn't vote for: #6, where "nozzle" didn't convince me as an initial letter indicator, and #19, where wordplay and definition have become unacceptably intertwined. My favourites (top down) were

#12 simple and effective

#2 likewise - but suffering by comparison in that to my mind a cap is a type of hat and so needs a "possibly" or its equivalent

#14 a pity about the need for a clumsy word order

#4 also simple and clear

#8 I like the idea, but "change for" reads wrongly
h) 5pts Clue #18 Hot, making knob swell [really needs a '?', but couldn't resist it!]

4pts Clue #12 Grand piano lid [my head tells me this is the best, but my heart told me to go with the smutty one - sorry]

3pts Clue #16 'Hot' in rap circles [very clever, but 'rap' and 'tap' not quite synonymous, I feel]

1pt Clue #3 Certain pairs of physical attributes can make you this?

1pt Clue #11 Grand piano - something you may associate with the shows of Flanders and Swann

1pt Clue #19 If hot tap's broken, it may be cool or heard to be dripping, for instance.