The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 39: What gong conveys in merited letters displayed before and after name

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A clue to DINNER-TIME.
3 comments refer to this clue
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Comments on the competition
d) 39 - Touch of class. 19 - Perfectly disguised. 9 - Another classy clue. 14 - Jolly good. 21 - Nice compound.
f) Despite the fact that a high number of entries made for repetition of anagram fodder, I found a good variety in the clues. There were several near misses for my points. The most amusing and enjoyable clues used misleading terms for the definition, not always matched by precision. Too many clues alluded to the meal rather than the time. I was sorry that the clue with 'before Batman' (45) did not quite work for this reason, similarly (21). Some clues were insufficiently specific about which mealtime was indicated, including (11) Burg? and (12) Call to the table. Some clues were marred by slight clumsiness in the surface reading such as (2) After Darling's latest...., (39) What gong conveys... and (4) After work... and I couldn't think what context, other than a crossword clue, one would read about (7) Angry red mite...
k) 4 pts to no. 39 (nicely coherent surface). 4 pts to no. 19 (likewise, good misdirection). 3 pts to no. 5 (clever alternative way of providing the def.). 3 pts to no. 4. 1 pt to no. 44 (my favourite of the 'indeterminates'). 1 pt to no. 34 (had potential but phrasing felt under-honed).

Several seemed to be cluing "dinner" (the meal), rather than "dinner time" (the moment scheduled for it). Some strained anags. One clue which was very similar to my own, I disregarded for fairness' sake. Special mention (but not points) to no. 45, whose explanation made me go "ouch!"