The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC August competition voters’ comments

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A clue to WALES.
42 comments were received for this competition (from 8 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
A lot of acronyms lacking elegance, with the notable exceptions of 48 and 52 which were great!
There were quite a few acrostics, which are easy to write, but need more than just supplying the letters!
Comments on the clues
1. A cat might produce these howls when picked up by the ears
1.Very good disguise in a super smooth surface
2. A Lewis could come from ——— , I fabcy
2.Real shame about the typo
3.I had no idea that Lewis was a common surname in Wales.
4.Check spelling before entering! Or after!
5.Ublucky (sic), otherwise a good idea.
3. Animals caught with a lasso primarily are in France or another country
1.I would find this very hard in a puzzle because it has two sets of wordplay.
6. Country and western society drinking beer
1.Very nice, but too similar to a clue I've seen before.
2.Quite pleasing. A good clue.
8. Country mourns as we hear (5)
1.'as we hear' sound a bit unnatural
10. Country rabbits away after twice dismissing suggestion of Fiver
1.Surface doesn't make much sense
11. Country song intro is by "Bad" rapper
1.Rather too obscure music reference! From a gold selling album I see, but wasn’t chart hit.
13. Country with troubles, reportedly
15. Directions about a large country (5)
1.About doesn't seem quite the right preposition
17. Former Polish leader without a country
1.Best of the Walesa clues
21. Initially, where all leeks embody symbolism?
1.Good clue and points here. Where are leeks embodying symbols?
22. It was inhabited by Celts essentially, then occupied by English
1.Pretty strong. Points here.
2.Points for a very nice clue, just a pity that 'essentially' had to be used.
24. Last of cole slaw salad to which William is entitled ?
1.coleslaw more commonly one word, the salad feels superfluous in the surface.
27. Marks on skin and cries out to audience
1.Surface is grammatically suspect
29. Part of dense lawn turned into just the place for daffodils
1.This is just so clever. Points here.
30. Part of UK used to be occupied by the French (5)
1.This looks somehow familiar….
34. Primarily where a lumberjack extracts Snowdonia's timbers
1.Wales is the ONLY place for Snowdonian timber, so 'primarily' doesn't work in the surface.
35. Primarily, where are literary eisteddfods staged?
1.Primarily is too obvious an indicator for an acrostic.
36. Renewal estimates include extra planks for hull of USS Constitution?
1.It's a bit unfair for the clue to need obscure general knowledge!
37. Shady spot to cycle in country
1.Hmm not sure you can cycle in a 'spot'
43. Unit of land area with a large margin for error — a little silly
1.Very nice
44. Various laws covering start of Eisteddfod seen in here?
1.Not sure the 'seen in' is needed
45. Wales can be a shady place
1.LOL is this a new device?
2.Why give the answer at the start of the clue? – not quite how these things are meant to work
3.This leads to Swale and not Wales. Further, the solution is in the clue
47. What leeks sometimes signify
1.Lovely. Don’t mind that sometimes is a bit vague.
2.I trust that this is up there. This surely is the winner!
3."regularly" would suit far better than "sometimes".
4.Not sure about 'sometimes' – 'oddly' might have been better?
48. Where additional Ls embellish some words' beginnings
1.Winning acronym, lovely even surface.
2.Very original, I like this
52. Where you’d find Barry White at lunchtime eating some starters
1.Best of the Barry clues
2.Gusset dampeningly funny, got to get a mention for such a 'walrus'!