The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC July competition voters’ comments

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79 comments were received for this competition (from 11 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
Many reasonable clues, but sadly not many that I got excited about. Some of the better clues had definitions like joy or delight, which strike me as being different from satisfaction?
35 note that 'doctor' is an anagrind as a verb (as in to adulterate, tamper with), & so needs to go BEFORE the fodder not after it
Comments on the clues
1. Act as if it's no trouble providing what customers want
1.Lovely anagram but I’m not really convinced by ‘trouble’ as a nounal anagram indicator
2.The strongest clue in this round. The customer is always right!
3.I can't see how a nounal anagrind works here
4.Very nice surface. Trouble is straining as an anagrind?
5.Anagrind should be troubled, I think
6.One of those occasions when you realise it's a bit silly to be sniffy about nouns as indicators. Nice clue.
2. Complacency made ass of Titanic
1.Made ass of Titanic?
3. Confusing as if this ends doing content (11)
1.I think it would need to be 'this's ends' / 'ends of this'.
4. Conservative removed from fascist action resulting in reparation
1.Reparation doesn't seem a great synonym for satisfaction
2.I don't like 'resulting in' as an anagrind – it does not suggest mixing the letters
3.Resulting in – not sure how this gets to an anagram?
5. Content being placed bottom: if so I can't fall
1.I just don't get 'fall' as an anagrind
2.The story is struggling here?
6. Content from Agama, in the 2010 Eurovision qualifiers
1.Surely unsolvable to most?
7. Content of a tin is cast all over the place
1.Nice surface & points from me.
2.Very tidy, but beaten for me by some more compelling offerings
8. Contentment, extremely abundant, is in fact so effervescent! (12)
1.Sound, but what is being said here?
10. Contentment is found in fantastic concoction that has chocolate centre
1.Needs to be chocolate's centre
12. Day is set for completion
1.Love the simplicity and on a first read through this was my favourite clue but on reflection the definition seems rather loose.
2.Excellent – succinct, precise and misleading surface.
3.Very tidy, but beaten for me by some more interesting offerings
13. Delight at Stuart's first swinging fast around stump. What drama!
1.Don't like I=stump … and what about the 'what'
2.A really lovely surface, but I'm struggling a bit with delight equaling satisfaction, and with that "at"?
16. Encounter with fit ass possibly gives delight
1.Points for cheek, if I may put it like that.
17. Estella's houseparty for Pride
1.It would have worked ok with'house party' … and it's not &lit, just a normally constructed wordpaly / linkword / definition clue
2.The dubious concatenation of house and party, aside, I fail to see how this is an &lit. Maybe I am missing something.
18. Every other smart character is a woman followed by a man. Joy!
1.Don't like 'a man' = action
2.Entertaining for its sheer exuberance, but many elements are a bit strained.
3.F abbreviates female/feminine, not a woman. X2 step. Can you indicate a qualifier (action) by what's qualified, even with indef article?
20. Happiness was being an MP leading that Cockney bloke's party.
1.Good, but referencing something real would be stronger
22. If slighted, fanatic egoists may seek this for example
1.Lovely. Every element of this clue really pulls its weight in achieving the pleasing end result.
2.I don't feel 'seek' works as a connector in the cryptic reading and all the fodder for the composite anagram is indirect.
23. In Sophia's case it's resolved with Act of Settlement
1.I like this clue a lot. It needs explaining though, for me anyway, which weakens it a little .
2.Everything adds up. Not sure I'd solve it. Nice though.
25. It's a No. 1 from sixties rock group
1.A good attempt at an &lit but I feel you need "rocks" for the correct cryptic reading. This will of course tarnish the surface reading.
2.Very clever. Not entirely satisfied with ‘rock’ (as opposed to ‘rocks’ or ‘rocking’) but points nonetheless.
3.Rock doesn't work used that way … would need to be first word or changed to rocked / rocking
4.So neat.
26. It's a small, silly fellow's war for pride
1.not sure if Chambers has S for Small?
2.Indeed. Perhaps pride isn't quite satisfaction though?
27. It's sad about contingent rejecting democratic settlement
1.D in democratic needs capitalisation
2.Very tidy, but a little wan compared to some of the more colourful clues
28. Joy Division after New Order at ISS
1.Tony Wilson would be very satisfied, bu the randomness of the ISS is too much for me.
2.Don't you need something surface-destroying like 'New Order of/for/with/in at ISS'?
29. Joy Division’s following assembled in Salford originally
1.Points for a great surface and because I'm a big Joy Div fan (although "joy" isn't quite "satisfaction" for me?).
2.Good transmission.
30. Justice is fantastic with I so wronged
1.Ungrammatical – needs to be 'with me'
2.Could this sentence exist outside of a crossword?
31. Love is fantastic, providing happiness
1.Unfortunately no anagram indicator?
2.Nice anagram but I can’t see ‘providing’ as an anagram indicator
3.anagram indicator?
33. Payback is origin of fighting in weekend battle
1.weekend <> Sat
34. Performance after fast is fantastic, causes happiness (12)
1.This is perfectly fine, but it's beaten by clues with more compelling stories.
35. Pleasure is fantastic! O Doctor!
1.Doctor as imperative verb anagram indicator must come before the fodder
2.Imperative anagram indicator needs to precede letters rearranged.
3.'Doctor' should proceed the fodder. It could be 'Doctored' in this case but that clearly ruins the surface reading.
4.I prefer clues that have more natural sounding language.
36. Pleasure makes a stoic faint (12)
1.Don't think 'makes'[ works as an anagrind here
2.Makes is not "make s" in my book
3.Very nice, points here surely. What is 'fodder' in this context?
37. Possible outcome of a basically speedy fist movement? (12)
1.Not convinced that basically identifies first letter
2.I like most of this clue, but how is basically speedy = s?
3.A bit too vulgar for this gentle of pastimes?
4.Can basically select the first letter?
38. Rearranging Titanic sofas for passengers' pleasure ( 12 )
1.Would have been better without the redundant "passengers"
2.And 'passengers''?
3.What is "passengers" role here?
4.I'm unsure, but I think that 'passengers'' is a redundant word. Nice anagram however.
5.'Passengers'' is superfluous
6.Best Titanic, best sofas. Witty.
39. Reform a fascist into making amends (12)
1.Simple but well-constructed
42. Single in 60s ? A happy state to be in.
1.Two very broad definitions. I wonder if there is another answer if I trawl a list of 60s singles. A very nice surface, though.
2.Amusing and points here.
3.Simple and well worked. The actuarial tables may discourage you though.
43. Starting to settle, it is an act of redress
1.Very neat – well done
44. Stones unable to gather any at all!
1.&lit ?