The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC October competition voters’ comments

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A clue to HOOVER.
37 comments were received for this competition (from 6 competitors, 2 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clues
1. A sucker who overpaid for the patent muttered, “Damn”!
1.A touch Byzantine in the explanation department.
2. After losing, at first Trump really would overthrow new president
1.The comma spoils the cryptic reading
4. Beginning to orbit, float around in a vacuum
1.Nice, diverting surface. Points here.
5. Cleaner house once one’s vacuumed every room primarily
1.Good effort, but it can't be an '&lit' as it contains a separate definition. Point from me.
6. Cleaner's put deliveries next to house
1.Grammar is a tad off thanks to the apostrophe s for equivalence, else this would have made my shortlist
9. Dam water's chemically most ideal (6)
1.Not keen on VERY being a synonym for ideal, but love 'water chemically' being HOO
12. Eat quickly: nothing to hesitate about!
1.Succinct & accurate, also an original definition, points here.
16. Former president from Lesotho overthrown
1.Nice succinct surface. Would have liked the answer to be hidden across three words.
18. Heartily shook every clean rug (6)
1.Why would you shake a clean rug
19. His Oval Office victory extended Republican primacy
1.Signalling of initial letter picking doesn't work for me
2.Very good idea, but 'primacy' does not suggest first letters.
20. Homo, not married, and very short (6)
1.Slurs aren't nice. Can you imagine clueing Obama with the n-word? Try harder
2.Offensive surface . . .
23. House done with this?
1.Quite superb, another (similar) clue gets my vote. Points here, however.
2.Nice but 'with' works for def with wp, not the other way round I feel (there are many who opine that 'with' is not suitable either way)
24. Husband loves brief action.. in a word: sucker ! (6)
1.'action word' is somewhat different from 'action in a word'
25. I weed around lavatory regularly, that’s upset cleaner (6)
1.clever ideas but not solvable. "HOER" and "I weed" doesn't work as part of the wordplay, they need to be fungible in a sentence
29. Leads from Harvey Oswald finished an American president (6)
1.Clever use of 'leads'.
32. Maybe I'm a sucker, however, you and I left for love
1.How quixotic, points here.
34. Oh? As a cryptic clue, this sucks
36. Oh, this sucks!
1.34 exploits this idea better imo
38. One that sucks up to an old president
1.'to' doesn't work for the cryptic reading, and I can't figure out the context for provided comments
39. Oxygen lines remain suspended in vacuum
1.I'd prefer oxygen to oxygen lines
42. Suck tip of organ poking through fly
1.dearie me!
45. Suppressing love? Hang about, that sucks!
1.Suppressing seems a misleading verb to use
2."hang about" works very well with the conversational "that sucks" to make a very lively surface – favourite "that sucks!"
48. This clue sucks!
1.Sadly, it does.
49. This Herbert's a sucker!
1.Amusing, points here.
53. What cleans house throughout
1.Good, but a partial &lit. as there is a separate definition in the subsidiary part of the clue. However, points here.
2.Nice clue, but (like 54) this is not an &lit, an all in one clue, yes
54. What gets house done?
1.Beautiful – a 'multum in parvo'! This has to be right up there.
2.Nice clue but again, definitely not an &lit
55. Who , by all accounts , backing revolution , becomes President (6)
1.'By all accounts' seems pretty tenuous as a homophone indicator
56. Who doesn't start across the dam?
1.Fail to see how this is an &lit
58. "You've lost nothing – it's water over the dam"
1.Can't follow the explanation, sorry
2.I'd omit You've
3.Nice idea, but why the quotation marks?