The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments

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A clue to WOODWARD.
79 comments were received for this competition (from 10 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
I didn't find any of these clues inspiring.
A difficult word to clue given the absence of a really famous Woodward – hardly fair to a solver to have to identify a past actor/actress from a film/TV series reference for those Woodwards who are not referenced in dictionaries. Quite a few 'nearly' clues let down by surface stories lacking credibility, or using synonyms a stretch too far.
Comments on the clues
1. A Ranger takes dwarf to court before the chief of Dúnedain, after the last elf went missing
1.needs to be the last of ELF
2. A word used over and over again for an old forest ranger (8)
1.Nice thought but AWORD repeated would give a 10-letter fodder. Deletion of the extra AR should have been indicated.
2.No, it's a jumble of A WORD plus WOD, so it's not used over again
3. After an upset, mom or dad could be a guardian
1.working magic with smoke and mirrors
4. After Shaw , Parry becomes Forest manager (8)
1.Disappointing that this is not true – I would have awarded points if I recognised the names as football managers
2.Original wordplay succinct and worthy of points.
5. American star Joanne sought favour without fortune, ultimate drawback (8)
1.I like "drawback" but I can't see how "fortune, ultimate" means the letter E
6. Bernstein's collaborator in going for a radical bunch of instruments
2.The substitution indication coming in the middle could lead to either word as answer, making it a bit ambiguous
7. Bush drawback for Bernstein buddy
1."Bernstein buddy" is awkward both in the surface and as a definition
8. “Call out Lumbar Treatment Area’s coach, Clive”
1.I think it's fine to have clues which read as a bit of speech without quotation marks
2.hp normally is used for a similar sounding word of a synonym of term used in clue, rather than a hp of the term itself
9. Callan star casually gives up lead to woo Callan star?
1.this one did actually needed 'another'
10. Club bolstered by rising attraction in Forest's keeper
1.Best Notts Forest clue
11. Club welcomes central pair of Pearce and Des Walker initially battling to become captain of Forest
1.Wasn’t Pearce left back?!
12. Court battle covered by extremely dedicated investigative journalist
1.oops, that coverage went Live
2.Nice clue and the best of the court battle combos
3.Well-constructed wordplay telling a plausible story with a well-known Woodward as def – my runner-up.
14. Deep Throat helped him protect boner first
1.I'm guessing that this is meant to be incredibly rude but I'm not sure I understand the surface. I prefer the subtler bawdiness of 34
2.Merit awarded for cheek
15. Dependent upon deal, could be member of team at Forest
1.Upon suggests one on top of the other to me, hence deal would be upon dependent
2.Clever. But ‘team at Forest’ isn’t exactly the same as ‘team at a forest’, imo.
3.'upon' suggests WARDWOOD, and 'Forest team' might have read better
4.Capitalization, young padawan!
17. Edward, Edward, surrendering his crown to go courting
1.Very clever. Is Edward a sufficient def though?
18. Endless trouble with a word d——— tricky — one making fellers work!
1.I quite like the 'fellers' def, but don't understand the rest of the surface.
19. England coach who’s to blame for loss of Ashes?
1.Clever use of Ashes although the definition feels rather loose
2.nice try, but I don't think any forester chap's blamable for a fungal disease
3.very nice cryptic element to the DD
20. English educationist and Pali scholar’s almost dwarf daughter to court first?
1.nice wordplay
21. Equalizer perhaps from Forest's keeper
1.Obscure GK combined with an (I think) obscure word means this is just too difficult to appeal me, sorry
2.GK a little too obscure I feel
22. Fight in club finally stopped by park ranger
1.not keen on 'WORDPLAY by DEFINTION'
2.Wordplay is good but “by” doesn’t really work as a link word
3.[Wordplay] by [definition] takes away what would have been a good clue
4.'by'… innovative use
5.'by' as equivalence connector doesn't work imo
23. Forest defender Cook down briefly over draw
1."Forest defender Cook" is brilliant but the fodder too bitty for my liking sorry
2.Very neat
3.Not my winner but a nice clue nonetheless.
24. Forest defender's beginning to worry over mismatched tackling contest
1.Well-constructed wordplay and nice surface – my winner.
26. Forest manager's furious with a red sending centre off
1.The definition, wordplay and surface are all very nice but wood=furious is just too obscure for points from me
2.Using a Shakespearean word as a synonym for wood is more than a bit unfair.
27. Forest officer's court battle to occupy vacant dryland (8)
1.dry land is two words though really
2.Nice, plausible surface.
3.surface is like a precise and elegant equation, perfectly balanced, meant for Reading pleasure
29. Forest Whitaker abandons revenge drama's leads for actor from cult classic
1.Good use of Forest but def seems too vague
2.points for mentioning the wicker man, albeit the british one
33. He performs his duties in this section of the copse, maybe ( 8 )
2.Indirect anagram; redundant words “of” and “the”.
34. Jumped-up branch manager, who's hard on head of department following confrontation
2.Excellent wordplay. Not entirely sure about fairness of the definition.
3.Very creative. But why jumped-up?
4.apology accepted with bequest of merit
35. Man of the trees to court religious scholar with inner turmoil (8)
1.effort deserves merit
36. Maybe official at Sherwood Forest Golf Club overturned result of match
1.An eagle!
2.Works nicely, useful Golf Club
37. Nothing odd about fighting with wife in the first place in this place in Oklahoma (8)
1.OK GK very obscure, and not really justified by the rest of the surface, which seemingly has little to do with OK
39. One who neglects no aspect of forest, not even who holds what ride.
1.very well executed, excellent productive effort
40. Protector of elders, perhaps, in court battle surrounded by daughters
1.Excellent disguise of definition allied with lovely wordplay
2.very evocative, juicy and artful clue
43. Ranger rode and swam naked, word has it (8)
1.Really like the idea but not sure that “has it” is sufficient to indicate containment of what went before
2.Nice one. A rodeo swami maybe 😜
3.Ranger, nice def
46. Some who draw do owls going back to the trees
1.Can’s see how the clue acts as defintion. Surface meaning ?
47. Sports icon Clive Lloyd’s back after court battle – given knighthood at last! (8)
1.My favourite of the court battles
2.Brilliant construction to create topical surface and disguised definition
48. The Epping Guardian would report on design retrospective
1.Very pleased to discover this is a real paper, but struggling to see how "would report" (rather than, say, "would reported") works as a homo
2.more libertarian than ximenean— if that means anything at all; nevertheless, i like it, it has merit
49. This guardian reportedly courted the minor in his charge.
1.wooed and wood are not homophones
2.what a charming subject for a crossword clue
3.Wood and wooed are not exactly homophones, imo.
4.don't think that's a true homophone
5.the hp doesn't quite work
50. This journalist's work leads to a Republican's downfall after Washington official offers discreet tips
1.would need to be "…offers discreet's tips". But then that ruins the surface
51. What forest warden would hear if war was entered into on December 1st.
1.homophone flag should be WOOD heard, not hear? Plus, should be December's first.
2.would hear as hp for wood not grammatically sound