The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC February competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 10: CMJ's flustered by outside broadcast position in burger joint.

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A clue to MCJOB.
2 comments refer to this clue (from 2 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
Although MCJOB is derived from McDonald's, it doesn't have to be in a fast food outlet, and I preferred clues that allowed for this. Overall I judged 6 to be the best clue – a neat and sound use of the Reggie Perrin idea: could this be from January's winner again? Second place to 16. I thought 2 was the best of the initial letter clues and 38 the best of the Biblical Jobs. Points also to 16, 19 and 24. Some that didn't quite work for me were: 1 Two indirect anagram fragments are too much. 10 CMJ is not a widely recognized set of initials, so this clue has little impact. 28 Using McDonald's in the clue is rather a giveaway! 44 Surely libellous. 46 Doesn't work – MJCOB? 47 Clever idea but a bit too obscure 48 Good clue marred by sloppy punctuation – it needs a capital letter, an apostrophe and arguably a question mark. 52 As in several clues, I thought the definition was too vague.
1st (4 pts): 16 (smooth and efficient — the explanation suggests an Azed regular}
2nd= (2.5 points each): 10 (nice image, although I thought the reference in the explanation to CMJ's job was irrelevant) and 25 (neat, but is the exclam really necessary?)
4th= (1 point each): 2, 19, 26, 30, 34, 35 (most of them initial letters clues, all of which were fine although perhaps a bit of a cop-out; but the clue-word was so hard that this is forgiveable)