The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 11: Get in a mess after very old joke touching on queen – it should be pulled!

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A clue to CRACKER / VINTAGE (Right & Left).
4 comments refer to this clue (from 4 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
I thought everyone who entered rose to the extra challenge of Robert's Christmas special, and although there were no absolute crackers or vintage clues, the quality was high. I looked first for two decent clues with a fluent surface, which cut the list down by about half; then for an original idea or a Christmassy theme (biscuits and wine being a bit easy). I chose 17 as the most original, 21 and 23 for their misleading themes, and 8, 11 and 14 for clever definitions and wordplay. 24 would have won points had it not been for 'red=R' which I don't accept (and the explanation has 'right'). 10's 'wry vita' made me chuckle but it doesn't work for me as a cryptic indicator. I didn't object to 22 putting the join inside a word, but unfortunately as a result the second clue 'ck holds club…' makes no surface sense and so fails my 'two decent clues' filter.
A hard challenge, as reflected in many of entries – I can't give more than 13 points altogether. The requirements aren't really met by an implicit break, as in 13, or one that splits a word, as in 22. In 10 we are apparently meant to construe RYVITA as WRY VITA, i.e. an anagram of VITA – much too complicated, I'm afraid. I think 11 is the best clue, although people not knowing the story – an controversial joke on "Mock the Week" – may not fully appreciate it. And judging by some of the explanations, there is still confusion over what constitutes an "&lit".
Clue 29 appealed because it is beautifully concise but I was not sure about the naming of two crackers counting as double definition, or about the use of party as an anagram indicator.
The link in clue 11 is so smooth – obviously the touch of a master's hand.
Not a great selection this month, but at least two crackers.
1st (5 points) 21 — quite brilliant, it all fits together perfectly
2nd (3 points) 11 — very nice, although I'm not sure about the anagram indicator 'mess' — an imperative, I suppose — and I don't like the needless exclam
3rd = (2 points each) 17 — not sure that Acker Bilk is well-enough known, but otherwise good — and 8 — very nice, but although the surface is neat I'm not sure what it's saying
5th = (1 point each) 19, 24, 26 — all good but the surfaces are less good than those of the ones above.