The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC September competition voters’ comments

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24 comments were received for this competition (from 5 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
Almost too hard to clue, as evidenced by a poor set of clues, five of which I despairingly gave one point each.
It was not only a difficult contest to clue but also one difficult to judge. Inevitably, there are large number of clues with complex constructions. Surface becomes contrived in many cases. The voters tend to be lazy in such scenario and prefer clues with simple construction like 23 or 42 ignoring complex clues. It would be interesting to see the voting paterrn in this contest.
A nice variety of anagrams and charades. Competitors have done much better with this difficult name than I expected.
Comments on the clues
1. A not so old piano only performs as member of Steed's team
1.What is the wordplay for Lumley ?
3. Actor described llama nun shot in 3D once
1.Surface doesn’t seem to be plausible. 3D ONCE for Joey is somewhat indirect
4. Actor Jack's remake of "A lonely man (U)" (6,6)
1.The anagram is a good find
7. Actress backing compassion in farming journal incoherent on an aluminium compound applied to pasture
1.Surface is clunky
8. Actress originally inspired by a jolly nun — me, possibly?
1.You’d have to know something of JL’s background, but a good & lit.
2.Not clear how “me” fits into the &lit def.
9. Actress pouring heart out in journal, laymen touched
1.Nicely worded clue
12. After a piano, stupid mule's caught in empty lorry. Patsy!
1.Surface meaning ?
14. An actress and the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress from California died in July. (6,6)
1.Interesting find, but I don’t think ‘died’ works as an anagram indicator
2.Isn’t this an indirect anagram ?
18. Drunkenly half-cut, just a lonely man wanting absolutely fabulous lady (6,6)
1.I think Absolutely Fabulous ought to have A and F in upper case
19. Enjoy LA buzz around comeback of Disney film actress
1.Not convinced by buzz as anagram indicator
2.Original idea very nicely worded
23. I may be cast as Molly, Jane and Una
1.Too many proper nouns
25. Jay on menu – all being treated to this absolutely fabulous bird?
1.I thought this was a ref to Jay Rayner
2.I feel Absolutely Fabulous ought to have A and F in upper case. Nice surface
26. Jewelled opener one manually fashioned for an actress (6,6)
1.Not sure jewelled opener is J. Prefer opener of jewelled or Jewel’s opener
39. She sailed with Monsoon, drifting on, all May and June (6, 6)
1.Pity Monsoon had to be M capitalised
40. Strangely enjoy manual labour, missing the first part of Ab Fab and our Patsy?
1.Surface is laboured
41. Taking a spin round Lake, enjoy manual 1970s Avenger (6,6)
1.Great combination of anagram and misleading definition
42. Una, Jane and Molly creating another unsinkable lady!
1.Too many proper nouns