The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC November competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 16: learner with womens institute has strange dream of untamed dam perhaps

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A clue to WILD MARE.
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Comments on the competition
There was less scope for inventive definitions and wordplay this month, and I felt the overall standard wasn't that high. The top five of a dozen or so honorable exceptions were 8 and 41 with good & lit. treatments, 19 (though saddled=mounted is dubious) and 42 for misleading definitions, and 25 for the disguised Wilde reference. Some tortuous wordplay was evident, e.g. in 1 and 37 where the definition was obscured by a homophone, and more so 15 with the multi-step anagram of (HE=MALE=MAIL + MARRIED=WED + 18th=R). Unsolvable I think. I wasn't keen on 16's lack of capitals and punctuation.