The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 19: Open-mouthed fat bloke exercises with daughter, shifting five pounds to mark the New Year

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A clue to TWELVEMONTH / A thematic word of your choice (Right & Left).
7 comments refer to this clue (from 4 competitors, 2 others)
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Here is the text

Comments on the clue
1.The best effort in what was a very difficult competition, although convention says the bard should have been referenced!
2.Despite the comma, I think the surface's flow hides the seam. Clue could legitimately be split into two though, so only one point.
3.Paints a good picture
4.would have scored higher but need to indicate Shakespearean word
5.Not the most seamless run-on, but watertight, avoids two anagrams, and reads extremely well. One of the best.
6.Humorous imagery but split into WIDE + CHAP marks it down.i
Comments on the competition
I'm not sure any of us really managed to achieve all of 1) accurate cluing, 2) a well-disguised run-on between the two parts, and 3) an excellent overall surface. 4 leaps out, but surely the apostrophe in '16 invalidates the definition of HEXADECIMAL. I did try to overlook it (as I expect many will). I enjoyed 19 and 22 for their cluing and excellent surfaces (especially 22), although neither managed to string the two parts together smoothly, and in 22 they are separate sentences. Perhaps the best clue in that respect, while also being sound and plausible, was 20. I found half a dozen other clues good in parts. Happy New Year to organisers and fellow participants.