The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 46: Wonder when I'm turning left in channel

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A clue to MIRACLE.
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Comments on the competition
An excellent set of entries although many were easily spotted anagrams. Some clues were very good but for their containing an extra word or two that detracted from the overall strcuture. Some clues, I felt, were a little obscure without that little bit of finesse that turns the ordinary into the fascinating. I also felt that the numerous compound anagrams (of which I am not a big fan unless they have an innate beauty) did not quite hit the mark. My selection is as follows:

1st, 5pts 20: Law breaker, perhaps, reversing vehicle in the distance Parsimony with all the elements of a good and challenging clue
2nd, 4 pts 11 Hand of God claim re foul I like clues that make me smile while still abiding by the rules of compilation. A clever reference to a "miracle" and sufficiently devious to put one off the scent.
3rd, 3 pts 46 Wonder when I'm turning left in channel Almost made this 2nd equal but felt the humour in 11 just pipped it. A nicely constructed, parsimonious clue.
4th, 2 pts 48. What a martyr's original relic might generate? Liked the construction of this anagram-containing &lit.

5th, 1 pt 7: Email leaders of Roman church about possible grounds for canonization A well constructed clue in which all the words contribute to the solution, without giving the game away too easily.