The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 31: Originally a message from God supplanted by million to one?

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A clue to MIRACLE.
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Comments on the competition
I was surprised to find that in contrast with some of the more difficult words, this fairly easy one seemed to cause so much trouble. There were many clues where the definition, if it could be found at all, was either vague (eg 2's 'to expect this is a bit much' (what, soup in a basket perhaps!) or 25's reference to Millwall, which is just fatuous opinion) or completely inaccurate (eg 4's 'breaking the natural law', which points to a verb, not the noun required). Apart from the spelling mistakes (5's 'marvelous and 31's 'message drom God' (I never actually received the clues; I had to search them and paste them into 'Word', so it is possible that these typos occurred then, in which case I humbly apologise), there was a fair bit of gibberish: 29 'One darner ultimately stopping monstrous camel achieving this' or 33 'Play with sermonical son parts'.(Uhh..!?) Come on, guys; if we're playing tennis, put the football away! A very disappointing lot!