The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 26: Morris drivers on motorway left by first exit

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A clue to MIRACLE.
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Comments on the competition
Some nice ideas here, but still far too much garbage from such a relatively experienced bunch of crossworders (eg clue 44 and 26's first exit=E : I ask you!). The & lit arriving late (48) just steals the show from a nicely contextualised 21 (Tim Moorey's, I'm guessing), with No 7 (good oblique definition) placed third. Nos 6 and 34 are not hugely exciting but they make honest use of a simple anagram and deserve 0.5 points each.
The 'Hand of God' clue (11) stands out so clearly that I'm sure it'll be a runaway winner - definitely in the 'wish I'd thought of that' category. I liked the definition in 3, using the opportunity a word like this gives for a specific (but misleading) reference. On the subject of definitions, a couple of clues (26, 28) seemed to lack them altogether. The latter may have had a clever +lit definition with a Biblical reference that passed me by, but in that case it needed to be pointed out in the explanation. And I don't like being over-picky with homonyms, but I can't make 'eau vin' sound like 'ova'.