The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 21: Little madam Alice ordered to take on Queen in Wonderland event

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A clue to MIRACLE.
2 comments refer to this clue
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Comments on the competition
Some nice ideas here, but still far too much garbage from such a relatively experienced bunch of crossworders (eg clue 44 and 26's first exit=E : I ask you!). The & lit arriving late (48) just steals the show from a nicely contextualised 21 (Tim Moorey's, I'm guessing), with No 7 (good oblique definition) placed third. Nos 6 and 34 are not hugely exciting but they make honest use of a simple anagram and deserve 0.5 points each.
From a very high standard of clues to MIRACLE I had ticked a dozen before selecting these five:

29 - May be slightly easy to solve but I found this best of the & lits
24 - Another clever & lit with nice use of 'means' 39 - This would have been improved without the two 'a' words but appealed nevertheless 19 - Short but has a lot to say 21 - Probably deserves more for such a 'wonderful' idea