The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 11: Corn boil (6)

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A clue to A “FIVE GOLD RINGS” word.
5 comments refer to this clue (from 4 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.This just uses the same sense of the word twice
2.not really a proper double def clue, just 2 synonyms. surface does not really gel
3.Not really a double definition, just the same definition twice? And surely corns and boils are different things?
4.'boil' seems inaccurate as a definition and the surface reading is much too short to be entertaining.
Comments on the competition
This month 42 entries clued 18 valid words, with a further 3 clueing FIVE GOLD RINGS (6, 21, 24). Appropriately, clue words subdivided neatly into groups of 5. More than half the clues (25) led to the 5 most popular words, or variations thereon: DEJA VU (1, 5, 8, 12, 13, 25, 42*) (7), AVULS/E (9, 19, 31, 36*) /D (18) /ION (3) (6), BRAVURA (7, 37, 40*, 44) (4), NUNAVUT (28, 35*, 38, 39) (4) and SHAVUOT (17, 32, 41, 45*) (4). Another 5 clue words or variations resulted from a further 12 clues: CLAVUS (11, 14*, 27) (3), HELIO/GRAVURE (43, 10, 30*) (3), AVUNCULAR ([20, 33*) (2), CLAVULATE (15, 34*) (2), and FAVUS (22*, 23) (2). There were 5 other singly represented clue words which were generally more obscure (A VUESTRA SALUD (4), CHAVUTTI THIRUMAL (26), DAVUTOGLU (2), GUSTAVUS (16) and LAGAVULIN (29)). The average length of the 18 different clue wards was 8.4 letters, dropping to 7.4 letters when their relative frequencies was taken into account. In general it appeared to be easier to construct a good clue, and thereby score more highly, when a shorter clue word was chosen (the best 5 clues all had answers of 5 or 6 letters).