The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

November Competition Information

Voting Information

Voting is open until Midnight GMT Wednesday 14th December.
Please award FIVE points maximum to the clue you judge best: FOUR points for second, THREE for third, TWO for fourth, down to ONE point for fifth; but otherwise you may distribute your votes as you see fit including ½ marks for split voting – as long as you award no more than 15 points IN TOTAL and no more than 5 points to any one clue…
…and of course you may NOT VOTE for your own clue!
Your comments in general and on individual clues, however much or little you write, are always most welcome! Please remember that if any particular clue or clues do not find favour with you, it is more helpful to offer constructive criticism – many of our members are keen to learn and hone their clue writing skills through our competition – feedback may be useful for their future efforts!

Entry Information

Your latest task is a STANDARD CRYPTIC clue to DEGRINGOLADE (12) by the closing date of MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY 30th NOVEMBER.
As always you may submit only one clue, but you can save, change, delete, submit and resubmit to your heart's content before deciding on your final clue within the given time period.
Our primary reference is (still for the moment!) The Chambers Dictionary (2008 edition), but you may, if you wish, use another dictionary or source, BUT PLEASE STATE SO IN YOUR CLUE'S EXPLANATION.




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28 clues to vote for.
15 votes received so far.
11 days to go. Voting closes on
Friday 17th May.



See the full results

2nd place Peter Moore Fuller

Adult books aroused heartless fellow (7)