The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

May Competition Information

Entry Information

Your task for May is a STANDARD CRYPTIC clue to POWERHOUSE (10) by the closing date of MIDNIGHT BST SUNDAY 31st MAY.
Ultimately, you may as always submit only one clue, but with our new system you may save, change, delete, submit and resubmit to your heart's content before deciding on your final clue within the given time period.
Our primary reference is The Chambers Dictionary (2008 edition), but you may, if you wish, use another dictionary or source, BUT PLEASE STATE SO IN YOUR CLUE'S EXPLANATION.




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22 clues entered so far.
35 hours to go. Entry closes on
Tuesday 30th April.



See the full results

Winner Charlie Oakley

Lost title after goal at last minute

Voting is now closed for ANTHONY.
Results will be out shortly.