The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 5: Breasts are jiggling; bra's sadly lacking control

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A clue to EASTER (Misprints).
6 comments refer to this clue (from 6 competitors, 0 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clue
1.Excellent humorous clue despite slightly inelegant surface. Equal second with 3 points.
2."(Br)e(as)ts are jiggling without bra's control" would perhaps be neater – there's no need for the double anagram – joint third place though
3.Amusing, but I'm not sure 'sadly' is needed.
4.An amusing surface reading.
5.Made me smile and the definition is really well hidden being coupled with 'lacking'.
6.I find this clue vaguely smutty ('jiggling') without being amusing, and the subtracted letters are not anagrammed